We serviced a
Model WW27430P
Near Bay Village, OH 44140
Job Details: 12/08/2022
Cc that they were going to bake a pizza but instead they used the broil and was left in there for a while causing it to over heat and now the coils will not shut off made sure the temp sensor was good and it was unit will need main power supply board relay got stock closed causing elements to stay on. Unit will need power supply board looked up part and part is no longer available its discontinued.; ordrng 1 74006612 (Main board(discontinued))
We serviced a
Model WHD560CHW2
Near Cleveland, OH 44113
Corina H
Job Details: 12/08/2022
CC that the u it is loud and not dryer. Found the dryer set to medium low heat. Let run for 20 minutes. No abnormal noises. Working as designed. Opt test ok
We serviced a
Model lghb2867pfla
Near Garrettsville, OH 44231
Brian M
Job Details: 12/08/2022
Cc no ice Found both fill tubes frozen over cleared ice OP Test Ok
We serviced a
Model MED7230HW0
Near North Ridgeville, OH 44035
David R
Job Details: 12/08/2022
"Replaced heater and cutoff kit, tested, good. Heating and cycling. Good. Op Test Ok"
We serviced a
Model MEDB835DW0
Near Westlake, OH 44145
Job Details: 12/08/2022
Cc that unit was making a high pitch squeal. Verified and unit needs idler pulley replaced. Used repair kit from truck stock installed damaged parts tested unit opt test ok.; used 1 4392067 (DRYER REPAIR KIT) from stock
We serviced a
Model LSR6332KQ0
Near Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Corina H
Job Details: 12/08/2022
"CC that the u it does not spin the clothes out. Confirmed. Will agitate but does not agitate or spin on the rinse or spin cycle. Found the dogs are worn and the gearcase leaking oil will need a gearcase, clutch, cam, basketdrive and coupler. Cust does not want to repair ; ordrng 1 W10820043 (Basketdrive) and 1 285785 (Clutch) and 1 3360629 (Gearcase) and 1 285811 (Cam) and 1 285753A (Coupler), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model 110.61202011
Near Bay Village, OH 44140
Job Details: 12/08/2022
Cc that unit was heating but not properly. Tested unit and it started heating so what I did was I disconnected the vent in the back of unit set the temp to high setting and checked for temperatures and on high it was only reaching 127* the thermal fix is bad as well will need to be replaced.; ordrng 1 WP3387134 (Thermal fix)
We serviced a
Model 110.2810231
Near Kirtland, OH 44094
Joe O
Job Details: 12/08/2022
"Cc: loud in spinFound bearings loud in hand spin. Ran drain and spin. Needs bearing kit; ordrng 1 W10435302 (bearing), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WrX735SDHZ00
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Jason N
Job Details: 12/08/2022
Cc unit lights strobing in ff sectionConfirmed led module is flashing. Replaced led module using misc. truck stock part. Light operation normal. Op test good. ; used 1 W11043011 (LED module) from stock
We serviced a
Model MED5630HC0
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Job Details: 12/08/2022
"Customer complaint of noise, confirmed found idler pulley worn out, installed new dryer repair kit , op test good"
We serviced a
Model WMH53521HZ06
Near Rocky River, OH 44116
Marie V
Job Details: 12/08/2022
"Took POP. Unit is under warranty. Cc that unit fan does not works and the time changes. Fan worked for a day or so and then stopped. Confirmed. Verify control connections, rebooted still does not works. Unit will need control and fan.; ordrng 1 W11545876 (Control) and 1 W11442100 (Motor fan)"
We serviced a
Model NED7200TW
Near Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Corina H
Job Details: 12/08/2022
"CC that the unit is not getting hot. Confirmed. Checked the power at the terminal block, good. Found a wire burn and the thermostat caught fire. Advised cust to not plug unit in. ; ordrng 1 WP35001092 (Thermostat), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model MED7230HW2
Near North Ridgeville, OH 44039
David R
Job Details: 12/08/2022
"Replaced blower motor. Found random screw inside. Tested unit before putting back together, good. Put load in and tested. Good. Op Test Ok"
We serviced a
Model MER6600FZ
Near Westlake, OH 44145
Gabriel P
Job Details: 12/08/2022
Unit heating as design advise customer on how to calibrate temp
We serviced a
Near Oberlin, OH 44074
David R
Job Details: 12/08/2022
Replaced FZ fan. Good. Air is flowing to both sections. Good. Op Test Ok.
We serviced a
Model GDT535PSM0SS
Near Lorain, OH 44053
Gabriel P
Job Details: 12/08/2022
Found loose connection no need to replace part
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ03
Near South Euclid, OH 44121
Job Details: 12/08/2022
"Evacuated R600, replaced compressor, filter and placed in a 29in vacuum and holding for 15 minutes, charged with 56g of R600 good frost pattern on evap, unit is cooling, advise customer to allow 24 to 48 hours for temps to equalize, opt test ok."
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHW08
Near Fairport Harbor, OH 44077
Jason N
Job Details: 12/08/2022
"Cc unit leaking when dispensing water Ran dispense test, found drip from inlet valve water line connection. Water line is routed too tightly causing a poor seal in push connector. Rerouted water line to reduce stress on connector. Reran dispense test several times, no drips/leaks. Op test good."
We serviced a
Model MED5500FW0
Near Avon, OH 44011
Marie V
Job Details: 12/08/2022
Replaced heater. Unit is heating up.Op test ok
We serviced a
Model KMHS120ESS11
Near Sheffield Lake, OH 44054
Job Details: 12/08/2022
Replaced cabinet and base had customer verify it to make sure he was good with everything opt test ok.
We serviced a
Model ASI2175GRS07
Near Oberlin, OH 44074
David R
Job Details: 12/08/2022
Unit will also need the UI control to be replaced as well. Ordering. ; ordrng 1 W11216949 (UI control)
We serviced a
Model WTW5100HC2
Near Cleveland, OH 44108
Corina H
Job Details: 12/08/2022
CC that the washer is leaking on the back left side. Confirmed. Found water on the ground. The hot water line is leaking. Replaced the hose from t/s. Opt test ok ; used 1 WP89503 (HOSE) from stock
We serviced a
Near Roaming Shores, OH 44084
Brian M
Job Details: 12/08/2022
"Cc unit not cooling Found evap half frost Advised on refrigerant leak Evap compressor and advised thermostat replacement ; ordrng 1 240550938 (compressor) and 1 297414901 (Evap) and 1 5304513033 (Control), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ07
Near Oberlin, OH 44074
Gabriel P
Job Details: 12/08/2022
Found compressor with 5.39 amp and shutting off will need compressor and dye filter ; ordrng 1 W11557425 (Compressor) and 1 W11109499 (Dye filter)
We serviced a
Model Mvw6230hc2
Near Austinburg, OH 44010
Joe O
Job Details: 12/08/2022
"Cc: not workingCustomer stated unit said washing but unit was not doing anything, they stated they could not even cancel the cycle. Found error codes f9e1(long drain). Found debris in drain. Removed debris. Tested. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model MVWB865GW0
Near Shaker Heights, OH 44122
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc that unit not working, verified and ran diagnostics found code f2e1 and f5e1, noticed lid lock trying to lock trying to lock, open lid and notice lid crack on the left hinge, gave customer estimate and wont proceed with the repair at this time.; ordrng 1 W11259006 (lid), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WTW5000DW1
Near Solon, OH 44139
Brian M
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Cc unit not powering on Unit getting proper voltage but no light on board Lid is locked had to break lock to get access to model and serial Needs ui and lid lock ; ordrng 1 W11116590 (cntrl-elec) and 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) and 1 W11307244 (latch)
We serviced a
Model WGG745S0FS05
Near Painesville, OH 44077
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Customer complaint that bottom oven is not heating, confirmed, found igniter not glowing, igniter is receiving 120vac , installed new igniter, op test good ; used 1 12400035 (IGNITER) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRF560SEHZ02
Near Westlake, OH 44145
David R
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc ice build up in back of FZ. Found plug in drain tube. Removed. Poured water down to make sure all clear, good. Also ran icemaker to make sure it did not overfill. Good. Op Test Ok."
We serviced a
Model CYE22TP4MDW2
Near Bay Village, OH 44140
David R
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc unit not cooling. Customer said comp was replaced 2 times, a third time they recharged unit with refrigerant, also main control replaced once. Temp reads 75* both sections. Took pressure readings, already valves on high and low. Unplugged unit reading equalized at 10 on high/low. Plugged in and comp running low is in vacuum at 25 and high is reading 175. Called Brian. Put nitrogen in see if you can hear leaks. Put 145/150 nitrogen in. Can hear air being released, checked all lines from compressor, condenser and evap. All good. Used bubbles on lines as well. No outside leaks, internal leak. Non repairable. ; O-emld tckt"
We serviced a
Model MDB8989SHZ0
Near Elyria, OH 44035
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc that unit has no power at all. Tried running unit but nothing happened had customer turn the breaker off to reset unit and it started functioning ran a test cycle and passed it was filling, washing and draining as should explained to customer that it couldve been a glitch in the main board causing the issue but right now its working as should let her know to monitor for now if anything to give us a call opt test ok."
We serviced a
Model WTW8040DW2
Near Jefferson, OH 44047
Jason N
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Installed inlet valve. Ran test cycle, heard grinding noise from under unit. Customer stated they were going to ask about that on this visit. Checked under unit, found water/oil slung around under inside of unit. Tried pulled off rotor, is seized up with dirt/oil sludge. Unit will need gearcase replaced..; ordrng 1 W11393685 (Gearcase)"
We serviced a
Model WMH1163XVS1
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Customer complaint that unit is not heating, confirmed, capacitor and diode are good, loud buzzing from magnetron , unit needs new magnetron , customer does not want repair; ordrng 1 W10754299 (Magnetron), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model NTW4610YQ0
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Customer complaint of off balance loads, found suspension worn out, found tub ring damaged, unit needs new suspension and tub ring, customer customer does not want repair at this time ; ordrng 1 WPW10215108 (Tub ring) and 1 W10780048 (Suspension), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model KSBS25IVSS00
Near Shaker Heights, OH 44122
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Replaced optics, will flash constantly, spoke to BJ he said to disconnect and reconnect the icemaker and retry, optics blinking twice with 1 second pause, but when flap hold down light is off meaning icemaker is stuck in a cycle, removed icemaker and found the the teeth jammed on the guard and motor wont run, unit will need icemaker.; ordrng 1 2198597 (icemaker assy)"
We serviced a
Near Cleveland, OH 44124
Corina H
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Replaced the rain tube and ice maker. Ice maker cycled. Opt test ok ; used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock
We serviced a
Model WFW5620HW0
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Customer complaint that unit is not dispensing fabric softener, confirmed, unit needs new dispenser and valves, part is out of stock so not scheduling return appointment ; ordrng 1 W11524105 (Dispenser) and 1 W11316255 (Valve) and 1 W11316256 (Valve2)"
We serviced a
Model WDF520PADM9
Near Euclid, OH 44132
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Customer complaint that unit is not washing dishes properly, ran diagnostics found 7-1(no heat) and 4-3(wash motor not running), unit started test cycle, unit filled , wash motor started, incoming water temperature at 65 degrees, ; ordrng 1 W10906426 (Cntrl)"
We serviced a
Model MVW6200kw2
Near Amherst, OH 44001
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Cc that the unit was making a sound when agitating tested unit and could hear something scraping looked underneath and found a plastic piece scraping underneath pulley removed the pulley cover to remove the plastic piece and tested unit again working as should now. Opt test ok.
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS1
Near Amherst, OH 44001
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Cc that unit is leaking and it damaged her floors and basement. Removed unit from spot and confirmed unit is leaking from top left hand corner took pictures of where it was leaking from and also floor and basement. Customer states she wants the unit replaced with a new one because she paid too much money. I ordered the tub anyways but she is going to call whirlpool to get her floors and basement repaired and to replace the unit with new one she stated she will call us too let us know whats the next step.; ordrng 1 W11409866 (Tub)
We serviced a
Model ACC6356KFB00
Near Rocky River, OH 44116
David R
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Replaced switch to LR. Tested. All working correctly. Good. Op Test Ok
We serviced a
Near Bedford, OH 44146
Corina H
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"The housing for the line is broken, will need to reorder. Took picture ; ordrng 1 WP2186443 (Housing)"
We serviced a
Model JFFCC72EHL02
Near Avon, OH 44011
Marie V
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Replaced heater, try filling ice maker, failed. Removed water valve and lines did test on diag, water to door pass, not coming out for ice maker. Water valve will need replaced. Office will contact once they have eta on the part; O-emld tckt"
We serviced a
Model WRF560SEYM05
Near Cleveland, OH 44108
Joe O
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc: not cooling ff sectionFound temps in ff section at 62 degrees, freezer at 4 degrees. Found ball of frost on evap cover. Found frost build up on items in freezer. Found ice blocking fan. Found all 3 door gaskets ripped, not sealing properly. Needs all 3 gaskets and defrostedCustomer does not want to repair at this time; ordrng 2 WPW10460580 (gasket-fip)s and 1 W10836785 (gasket-fip), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS01
Near Walton Hills, OH 44146
Corina H
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Replaced the ui, control and the harness. Steamed out the evap. Tested the heater, turns on. Opt test ok"
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS0
Near Solon, OH 44139
Brian M
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Installed pump OP Test Ok
We serviced a
Model MVWC565FW1
Near Solon, OH 44139
Jason N
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc unit not powering on Checked power in to control, good at 122v. No relays clicking or led status lights on control. Checked drain pump resistance to ensure not shorted, reading good at 19.4 ohms. Unit will need main control board replaced. ; ordrng 1 W11162438 (Main control)"
We serviced a
Model MVW6230RHW1
Near Solon, OH 44139
Jason N
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Installed drain pump and main control. Ran auto test cycle and calibration. All functions passed. Op test good.
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDB02
Near Streetsboro, OH 44241
Brian M
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Cc unit freezing items Found low side leak Needs compressor and evap Unit has sealed system warranty ; ordrng 1 WPW10143759 (DRIER) and 1 W10836706 (evaporator) and 1 W11209866 (compressor)
We serviced a
Model MVWB865GC
Near Streetsboro, OH 44241
Brian M
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Installed controls and lid latch Ran auto test OP Test Ok
We serviced a
Model WFW5620HW3
Near Rocky River, OH 44116
David R
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc unit vibration. Pushed down on basket, suspension rods are good. Found right leg not touching the ground. Leveled unit properly. Ran diagnostics and calibration. Advised customer of not over loading and using correct cycle for clothes. Advised of anti vibration pads for customer to install on, Unit is good. Op Test Ok."
We serviced a
Model 665.92014102
Near Grafton, OH 44044
Gabriel P
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Unit was working as designed burner will turn on and cycle off like it supposed advise customer to not replace switches cause is working but she wanted to but then she the side to think about it she will call us back if she wants to proceed ; ordrng 1 WP8522405 (Switch), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling),"
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW0
Near Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
Joe O
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Cc: not spinningFound error code f1e2(motor drive module over voltage). Ran motor test 3b from tech sheet. Unit spinning in diagnostics. Motor ohmed out good. Needs control; ordrng 1 W11419171 (Control)
We serviced a
Model WDT970SAHZ0
Near Strongsville, OH 44136
Gabriel P
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Found adjuster broken replace,opt test ok"
We serviced a
Model WTW4800XQ4
Near Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc unit off balance all the time, confirmed and ran diagnostics and f0e5 for off balance load, ran test cycle and everything seems fine, pushed down on basket and is jumping, removed top cover and checked suspension and rods on the left are loose and defective, unit needs suspension rods.; ordrng 1 W10780048 (suspension), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model MVWX655DW2
Near Cleveland, OH 44144
Marie V
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc that unit does not works is running motor with lights off. Plugged in unit it was on float mode. Corrected cust has rugs last . Had off balance. Corrected issue. Ran auto test belt was making noises. Replaced from T/S. Ran calibration. Op test ok; used 1 WPW10006384 (BELT),"
We serviced a
Model 110.2913241
Near Berea, OH 44017
Gabriel P
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Found cold water not going in but hot water is going in need valve giving estimate ; used 1 W11165546 (VALVE)"
We serviced a
Model KDTM354DSS5
Near Moreland Hills, OH 44022
Jason N
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Installed main control. Unit will not power on. Disconnected ui from main control and power cycled unit. Upon closing door, drain pump turned on. Main control is working now but UI is not responding. Found multiple burnt resistors on Ui board. UI will need replaced. ; ordrng 1 W10803367 (UI panel)"
We serviced a
Model WZF34X20DW02
Near Maple Heights, OH 44137
Marie V
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Cc that unit is not cooling. Compressor is hot to touch. Drawing 11 amps.Unit will need new compressor.; ordrng 1 W10750851 (Compressor)
We serviced a
Model WFE550S0LZ0
Near Lorain, OH 44052
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Cc that unit is reaching temperature when using oven but seems like the temperature is not correct. Checked terminal block on back of unit and it was fine checked power and it was correct as well so I started a bake let reach its set temperature waited a while and checked the temperature and they were between 362* to 356* unit is heating as design customer was not aware it would take about 15mins for the unit to preheat. Unit working as designed opt test ok.
We serviced a
Model WTW5105HW2
Near Fairview Park, OH 44126
David R
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc unit no sound signals. Verified, set to highest, no sound. Reset unit and unplugged. Still no sounds from UI. Ordering UI control. ; ordrng 1 W11478519 (Ui)"
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Gates Mills, OH 44040
Joe O
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc: grinding noiseFound cam gear grinding, unit not shifting completely into spin. Needs cam and actuator; ordrng 1 W11481722 (Actuator) and 1 W10721967 (drive pulley)"
We serviced a
Model WDT710PAYM6
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Joe O
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc: not workingCustomer stated when he tries to start the unit it just flashes. Ran test cycle. Unit started filling, and washing. Canceled cycle, unit draining. Entered diagnostics. Found error code f6e2(fill valve electrical problem) f10e1(dispenser electrical problem) f8e2(drain motor electrical problem). Ran diagnostics test cycle. Found unit filling, washing, dispenser opening, unit heating. No error codes after diagnostics cycle. Ran normal cycle once more. Advised customer to ensure door is closed immediately after pressing start. Unit functioning as designed. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model MVWB965HC0
Near Willoughby, OH 44094
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Installed new control and user interface, ran drain and spin cycle, as soon as drain pump started control shorted out, unit needs new control and drain pump ; ordrng 1 W11246700 (Cntrl) and 1 W10876600 (Drain pump)"
We serviced a
Model KDTE204KPS0
Near Aurora, OH 44202
Corina H
Job Details: 12/07/2022
CC that the u it is leaking. Service pointer W11540964 to replace the heater. Special Project code S17304. Found the heater is leaking. Will need a new heater ; ordrng 1 W11537778 (Heater)
We serviced a
Model JS42PPDUDE01
Near Moreland Hills, OH 44022
Jason N
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Cc unit interior lights not workingReplaced all led modules using customer supplied pre Id parts under s code S84638. Illumination restored to unit. Op test good.
We serviced a
Model KRFF507HPS04
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Joe O
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc: not making iceFound temps in ff at 42 degrees, freezer at 21 degrees. Found frost forming on evap cover near cap tube. Pulled evap cover. Found ball of ice on cap tube. Needs compressor, evap, drier and couplersParts show limited stock. Office to reschedule; ordrng 1 W11614224 (Compressor) and 1 W11504431 (Coupler) and 1 W11504415 (Coupler) and 1 W11506621 (Coupler) and 1 W11506635 (Coupler) and 1 W11598434 (Evaporator) and 1 W11506620 (Coupler) and 1 W11504450 (Coupler) and 1 W11109499 (drier-tube) and 1 W11504445 (Coupler) and 1 W11504447 (Coupler)"
We serviced a
Model WTW7500GW0
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc that inlet valve was leaking even if unit would not be running. At the moment the unit was not doing the issue but started unit up to test it and i heard a scratching sound coming from underneath when unit was sensing tilted unit and found gearcase is leaking unit will need gearcase, inlet valve and slider replaced gave customer estimate and she stated she will rather use the money and buy a new unit.; ordrng 1 W11393685 (Gearcase) and 1 W10734521 (Slider) and 1 W11165546 (Inlet valve)"
We serviced a
Model GFW850SPN0RS
Near Kent, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc unit not dispensing fabric softener Found valve functioning but there is no diagram that showes when its supposed to open Possibly a valve or dispenser issue ; ordrng 1 WH23X29553 (Valve) and 1 WH42X29542 (Dispenser), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRF560SEHZ02
Near Parma, OH 44134
David R
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Cc FZ door not closing. Found door was pulling open either left or right side and rails came off track. Took off door and drawers. Readjusted rails to proper position. Advised customer to pull in middle on hand rail. Unit is good. Give 24 hours to cool back properly. Good. Op Test Ok.
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHZ05
Near Parma Heights, OH 44130
Gabriel P
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Found loose connections on heater wire correct issue and steam opt test ok
We serviced a
Model 665.13049K113
Near South Euclid, OH 44121
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc unit not working at all verified and unit wont start, ran diagnostics and ui stay illuminated but nothing, unit needs ui but discontinued spoke to bj he confirmed part is NLA.; ordrng 1 W10380088 (console( discontinued ))"
We serviced a
Model MED6230HW2
Near Kirtland, OH 44094
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Customer complaint that drum is not turning, confirmed , found belt snapped, installed new belt from truck stock surplus, op test good ; used 1 661570V (Belt) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ0
Near Cleveland Heights, OH 44121
Jason N
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc unit displays code f8e4Customer stated he seen the water inside the drip tray and noticed a slow drip from the water supply line. Removed water supply line from unit, added small amount of thread seal and tightened 1/4 connector to elbow. Reconnected and turned water on, no drips. Cleared codes and ran test cycle. Op test good."
We serviced a
Model LSQ9600LW0
Near Garfield Heights, OH 44125
Marie V
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc that unit stopped at spin, one hour after she pushed down and pulled up and stared working again. Testing unit, it worked every time. Verify wires behind panel, pass. U it is working as designed at this point. Could not duplicate issue. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model LAT8406AAM
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Joe O
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Installed belt kit. Tested. Op test ok; used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAHZ0
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Replaced pump tested unit. Opt test ok
We serviced a
Model EFME517STT0
Near Aurora, OH 44202
Corina H
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Replaced the control. Let dry run for 10 minutes, not shutting down. Opt test ok ; used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRF555SDHV01
Near Kent, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Installed led ; used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock
We serviced a
Model WTW8127LW1
Near Seven Hills, OH 44131
David R
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc unit leaking a couple of times. Found unit leaning and causing water from fabric softener to drip out. Adjusted feet, started a cycle. No leaks. Customer to monitor. Op Test Ok."
We serviced a
Model LTE6234DQ1
Near Cleveland, OH 44128
Marie V
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc thats hen unit starts it squeaks and when is done as well. Confirmed. Noise comes from motor. Cust will not fix.; ordrng 1 279811 (Motor), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model MVWB835DW4
Near Lorain, OH 44053
Gabriel P
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Found control not reading if lid is close or open ordering control ; ordrng 1 W11400681 (Control)
We serviced a
Model KBFS20EVWH10
Near Lyndhurst, OH 44124
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc ice maker stop working, ran harvest test from T to H and no operation, took voltage on icemaker and 124vac unit needs icemaker, replaced icemaker with TS# w10884390 icemaker filled and homed, advise customer to allow 24 hours for icemaker to produce enough ice.; used 1 W10884390 (ICE MAKER ASSY) from stock"
We serviced a
Model MVWC415EW1
Near Cleveland, OH 44106
Marie V
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc that they feel like unit is taking a long time to finish a cycle like over an hour when it was not that long. Ran diag found error code F0E2 oversuds. Ran auto test failed. Rebooted unit, pass. Ran calibration as well. Advice cust to monitor. But is working properly at this point. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model KIRS608BSS0
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Joe O
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Installed element and sensor. Ran test bake. Op test ok
We serviced a
Model WDT970SAHZ0
Near Bay Village, OH 44140
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Replaced pump tested unit. Opt test ok.
We serviced a
Model WRS571CIHZ01
Near Aurora, OH 44202
Corina H
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"CC that the I maker is not working. Confirmed. Checked the wires at the door, found the wires pinched. Will need a new door. Customer is calling whirlpool to see if they Will cover the door; ordrng 1 LW11202405 (Left Door), used 1 1OVRSZ (oversized shipping) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRX986SIHZ03
Near Ravenna, OH 44266
Brian M
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Leveled door OP Test Ok
We serviced a
Near Broadview Heights, OH 44147
David R
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc unit leaking both sides. UI panel not always responding when options pressed, not lighting up all the time. UI panel switch 9743244 is NLA. Found lower door trimmed is cracked and missing on sides 4172127, worn gasket W11196317. Actual tub itself looks rusted by sides where customer is saying the water is coming from, would see if UI is available first. Sending over for NLA UI. ; O-emld tckt"
We serviced a
Model JGS1450DP0
Near Richmond Heights, OH 44143
Jason N
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Installed cooling fan. Ran cooling fan. Op test good.
We serviced a
Model KMBS104ESS02
Near Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
Corina H
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Replaced the ui. Opt test n/g. Will end the control. Customer is calling whirlpool on wall oven and wants to try and set both appliances for the same day. ; ordrng 1 W10891907 (Control), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model MER7700LZ2
Near Rome, OH 44085
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"New control, op test no good , unit arced from the back, found light socket terminal touching metal frame, no power to light from control now, unit needs new control and light socket; ordrng 1 W11548762 (Cntrl) and 1 W11594170 (Socket)"
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHW08
Near North Olmsted, OH 44070
Gabriel P
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Icemaker was not cycling replace customer said that was only issue cycle new icemaker,opt test ok"
We serviced a
Model MVW6230HW2
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Customer complaint of squealing noise, ran high speed spin cycle, ran drain and spin with wet load twice, no unusual noises heard, unable to duplicate the problem , unit is operating as designed"
We serviced a
Model WRF560SEHZ00
Near Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Cc that fz frozen up and when she tried to open the door she heard something snapping and the door fell off the fz, FZ door not attached to the unit, all 4 taps on door broke off and are still attached to the rails(see pics) unit will need fz door, and ice maker screw brackets broken, unit will need icemaker as well. ; ordrng 1 LW10858419 (dor-fip) and 1 W11542654 (Icemaker)"
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HS08
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Installed new control, op test good"
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Oberlin, OH 44074
Gabriel P
Job Details: 12/07/2022
"Replace latch,and started locking but cycle was not advancing so replace control then it fill wash agitate and spin but not draining all the way and throw f9e1 error code long drain check harness on connector is good when to replace drain pump and notice harness was snap by the back of unit took pictures ordering harness ; ordrng 1 W11643701 (Harness)"
We serviced a
Model PDT750SSF1SS
Near Willoughby, OH 44094
Jason N
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Installed console cover. Op test good.
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW2
Near Parma, OH 44129
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Replaced ui and control board ran a calibration and auto test opt test ok.
We serviced a
Model WDT705PAKZ0
Near Ravenna, OH 44266
Brian M
Job Details: 12/07/2022
Cc no water Unit filling normal but wash motor dead Replaced using truck stock OP Test Ok ; used 1 W11085683 (PUMP&MOTOR) from stock