We serviced a
Model KDPE334GPS0
Near Solon, OH 44139
Jason N
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc unit not responding, will beep occasionally. Found unit Ui not responsive, rebooting unit will light up UI but will still not respond, unit will occasionally beep and relight UI buttons. Unit needs UI and control ; ordrng 1 W11120155 (Control) and 1 W11162732 (UI console)"
We serviced a
Model CRG9300CAL
Near Kent, OH 44240
Jason N
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc unit door does not stay closed and sometimes theres a gas smell.Found unit door hinges springs weak, unit needs door hinges. Ran bake test, did not smell any gas. Possible weak ignitor, will add ignitor. ; ordrng 2 WP74011140 (Door hinge)s and 1 12400035 (Ignitor)"
We serviced a
Model MDG2600BWW
Near Wickliffe, OH 44092
Joe O
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Installed igniter, gas coils, and belt. Ran test cycle. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model MHW5630HW0
Near Willoughby Hills, OH 44094
Joe O
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Installed bellow. Ran test cycle. Op test ok
We serviced a
Model NFW5800HW2
Near Kent, OH 44240
Jason N
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc unit it draining out on delicate cycleCustomer sent pop to service@fredsappliance.comRan diagnostics, no codes stored. Ran auto test, all functions passed. Started delicate load, noticed spin speed set to OFF. Advised customer to ensure spin speed is turned on for any cycle he is running. Unit is working as designed."
We serviced a
Model KDTE104ESS1
Near Rootstown, OH 44272
Jason N
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc unit not washing dishes.Ran diagnostics, found code 7-1 for no heat. Ran wash test, pump motor did not turn on. Checked power from main control to motor, good at 119v. Unit needs pump/ motor assembly. Customer not repairing, estimate only. ; ordrng 1 WPW10605057 (Pump/motor)"
We serviced a
Model AGR6603SFW2
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Joe O
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc: right front igniter not lighting, oven too hotCleared out orfice and burner head. Ran test bake. Offset temp 10 degrees. Op test ok; saved tckt"
We serviced a
Model MVWC565FW2
Near Ravenna, OH 44266
Jason N
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc unit not cycling properly.Ran diagnostics, found code f7e6 for motor fault. Checked under unit, found shifter arm slipped out of splutch linkage. Per service pointer, replace shift actuator. Replaced shifter using customer supplied pre Id part. Ran calibration and auto test. All functions normal. Op test good."
We serviced a
Model KDFE104HPS1
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Joe O
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc: upper rack hitting gasket, pulling gasket outFound unit not level. Leveled, adjusted rack. Installed door gasket. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model KRFF507HBS02
Near Painesville, OH 44077
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Installed the new part op tested good. Water line and valve
We serviced a
Model WRF736SDAM12
Near Kirtland, OH 44094
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Customer complaint that water filter is stuck, removed, installed new water filter, op test good"
We serviced a
Model WRB322DMBW01
Near Mayfield, OH 44143
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Customer complaint of popping and buzzing noises, popping noises are usual noises from unit, buzzing noise was ice maker on but with no water to unit, turned ice maker off, unit is operating as designed"
We serviced a
Model KOSC504ESS01
Near Bay Village, OH 44140
Marie V
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc that when you preheat oven to 425* cust has an oven temp that shows correct temp but 20 min later is at 350* and is not cooking. Preheated oven to 425*. Took temps 10min after buzzer it was at 410*, calibrated oven 10* higher , tested oven. Oven when up to 435*, opened door to allow heat to come out to cycle faster, it cycles. Unit is working as designed at this point."
We serviced a
Model WTW4816FW2
Near Painesville, OH 44077
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/19/2021
The block that the inner drum is mounted to has slid down the shaft of the transmission there are metal fragments of the block needs a new block in Spanish; ordrng 1 WP389140 (Block) and 1 WP21366 (Spanner nut)
We serviced a
Model WRF757SDHZ01
Near Painesville, OH 44077
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/19/2021
The icemaker is not producing ice it has an E2 code Motor cannot find home position needs a new icemaker; ordrng 1 W11232541 (Icemaker)
We serviced a
Model n/a
Near Painesville, OH 44077
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Plug the machine in the timer was not receiving power the temperature control knob is not clicking when you spin it needs a new temperature control; ordrng 1 5304513033 (Temp control) and 1 S
We serviced a
Model JDS1750EP1
Near Perry, OH 44081
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Cancel button is not working its got an F2e1 code following the tech sheet I turn the breaker off I inspected the ribbon cable everything was seated properly unit needs another new user interface the cancel button is not operating; ordrng 1 W11039015 (Ui)
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDW06
Near Seven Hills, OH 44131
Corina H
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Replaced the door handle. Opt test ok
We serviced a
Model ADB1400AGW3
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Gabriel P
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Replace parts,opt test ok"
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FBS00
Near Independence, OH 44131
Corina H
Job Details: 07/19/2021
CC that the Fz light is out. Confirmed. Replaced the freezer light from t/s. Opt test ok ; used 1 W10695459 (Led) from stock
We serviced a
Model WRS571CIHZ01
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
David R
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Cc unit is cooling. Found out customer had a power outage and cooling went off. Couldnt figure out how to turn back on. Showed customer which buttons to pressed. Waited 20 mins. Evap getting frost. Good. Give 24 hours to return to normal temps.
We serviced a
Model KDFE304DBL0
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
Corina H
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"CC that the unit will run for a long time. Confirmed. Found the wires to the turbidity sensor are corroded. Will need a new sensor and wire harness. Have the wires on my truck. ; ordrng 1 WPW10705575 (Sensor), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FBS00
Near Broadview Heights, OH 44147
David R
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc unit not making ice. Went through diagnostics. Icemaker passed. Found full tube wires broken. Ordering fill tube. *** office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11230096 (Fill tube), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model ZGP366NR5SS
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Marie V
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Replace valve and harness burner . Tested unit. Op test ok
We serviced a
Model WFG525S0JV1
Near Richmond Heights, OH 44143
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Customer complaint that oven door is not closing because you can see the inside of the oven, installed new hinges, door is sealing, no heat is escaping from seal, unit is operating as designed"
We serviced a
Model WRF535SWHV01
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Gabriel P
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Found one of control key short and stuck on higher temp freezing food replace from t/s,opt test ok ; used 1 WPW10503278 (CNTRL-ELEC), and 1 SENIORDISCOUNT (senior discount) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WSF26C3EXW01
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Gabriel P
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Found water leaking from valve took a video and show customer it seens the ; ordrng 1 WPW10341320 (Valve), used 1 SENIORDISCOUNT (senior discount), and 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model KDTM354ESS1
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Gabriel P
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Found error codes f8e1and f8e2 long drain and mechanical failure in pump ordering pump ; ordrng 1 W10914557 (Drain pump), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Near Broadview Heights, OH 44147
Marie V
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Replaced fill tube and water valve. Removed ice maker and got ride of ice on the fill area on ice maker. Put back together and unit filled , no water came in because water was turned off. Turned back on and cycled ice maker again. Pass. Op test ok."
We serviced a
Model WVW53UC0FS3
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
Marie V
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Took POP. Cc that the fan is not working. Confirmed. Found connector for motor, loose. Corrected issue. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model WRF535SWHZ01
Near Strongsville, OH 44136
Marie V
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc that she cant removed filter. Filter was very stuck. Verify that it was not torn or damaged. Is good, check the heat water filter, is good. When put back together it was good. Teach cust how to put back in and remove, showed her that water will always come out when installing or removing filter. When put back together also showe cust not to over tight the filter. Just gently twist until it stops. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model WTW5005KW0
Near Parma, OH 44130
Corina H
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"CC that there is a noise when starting it. Confirmed. Found the drain pump running, held the start button in to clear. Ran diag f7e4 shifter fault. Service pointer to replace the shifter. Replaced the shifter from t/s. Opt test ok ; used 1 W10913953 (ACTUATOR) from stock"
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW0
Near Jefferson, OH 44047
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/19/2021
The unit has a temp sensor fault. No eta on parts ; ordrng 1 W11419171 (Control) and 1 W11400157 (Valves)
We serviced a
Model WTW6120HW0
Near Brecksville, OH 44141
David R
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Found New UI screen cracked. Replaced main control and water valve. Tested. Working correctly. Went into diagnostics cycle. Good. Running a quick cycle to test components. Good. Working properly. Op test ok.
We serviced a
Model KDFE204KPS
Near Avon, OH 44011
Gabriel P
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Found seal not installed properly,correct issue opt test ok"
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAHZ0
Near Strongsville, OH 44149
Marie V
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc that the top rack broke. Replaced all parts, tested . Op test ok; used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WTW8127LC0
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Installed the new part op tested good. Ui
We serviced a
Model KSSS48QHX00
Near Aurora, OH 44202
Jason N
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc unit not cooling enough in both sectionsFreezer reading 27 degrees, ff sections reading 42. Checked frost pattern on evaporator, only 1/4 of coils have frost. Unit has refrigerant leak, will need sealed system repair. Tapped system, verified leak, low side reading 13 in/hg vacuum. Compressor and evaporator no showing in stock at Marcone, office to contact customer with next service date. ; ordrng 1 W10309995 (Compressor) and 1 WPW10143759 (Filter drier) and 1 4388575 (Evaporator) and 1 WP2003003 (Heat exchanger), used 1 TJ90BPV31 (BULLET PIERCING VALVE) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHZ
Near Painesville, OH 44077
Joe O
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Cc: not dispensing iceFound ice blocked in bin. Cleared bin. Unit is dispensing. Op test ok
We serviced a
Near Solon, OH 44139
Jason N
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc unit not cleaning dishes on top rack.Started wash cycle, spray pressure reduced from both spray arms. Pulled filters, found debris buildup around chopper blade inlet. Cleaned out and reinstalled. Reran wash test. Spray pressure increased greatly. Spray arms spraying and rotating properly. Op test good."
We serviced a
Model LAT7800AAL
Near Madison, OH 44057
Joe O
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc: belt squealing, belt seized at one point and would not spinRan test cycle. Found belts squealing. Belts worn. Needs belts. ; ordrng 1 12112425 (belt set-maytag), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WED4815EW1
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Installed the new part op tested good. Motor belt fan
We serviced a
Model MVWC565FW2
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/19/2021
The two plastic pieces do not belong to this machine. The machine did need be leveled unit tested good
We serviced a
Model WRF560SEHZ00
Near Berea, OH 44017
Corina H
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"CC that the unit is to warm. Confirmed. Ff 60* Fz 30*. Ran diag evap fans was not on. Thermistors passed, damper opening and closing, compressor turns on. Gaskets are good. Found ice build up causing the fan to not turn on. Removed the ice. Fan turned on. Checked the frost pattern and it had good frost pattern. Called t/l and spoke to Ed to replace the thermistor. Replaced the thermistor from t/s. Opt test ok ; used 1 WPW10384183 (THERMISTORXXACADEMY RETURNXX) from stock"
We serviced a
Model KDTM704KPS0
Near Rocky River, OH 44116
Corina H
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Replaced the control, ui, drain pump, gasket, vent. Started a cycle.Opt test ok"
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ03
Near Strongsville, OH 44149
David R
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Replaced right FF gasket and mullion rail. Steamed all gaskets to make sure no gaps. Good. Adjusted right leg to even out door as much as possible, good. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model PT7800SH2SS
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Gabriel P
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Replace control a preheated unit no errors also heat microwave no error when filling paper work error codes show up same one with the thermal sensor call bj he ask to call call ge waited 18 minutes no answer but press 1 for then to call me back then they call me back as I was leaving home so when back a diagnose unit they said it may not be oven sensor it could be microwave sensor or thermistor ntc but trying sensor on microwave ; ordrng 1 WB27X10857 (Sensor) and 1 WB21X10165 (Sensor probe)
We serviced a
Model 790.78893902
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corina H
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"CC that the oven stays at room temperature. Confirmed. Checked the igniter 3.3 amps. Checked the oven sensor, is out of range. Will need a new control and sensor. ; ordrng 1 316462803 (Control) and 1 316352207 (Ui) and 1 316490000 (Sensor), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model MDB4651AWS
Near Westlake, OH 44145
Gabriel P
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Ran multiple test found no leaks also level unit cause racks are sliding down when loading correct issue ordering electronic control cause is a intermittent issue ; ordrng 1 WPW10218822 (Control)
We serviced a
Model MDB4949SDZ0
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corina H
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"CC that the unit is not cleaning the dishes. Confirmed. Ran diag . F6e 4- Float Switch Open, f7e1 no heat, checked the control found the pump and motor plug backed out. Reattached the wires. Unit started to run. Opt test ok"
We serviced a
Model WDT730PAHZ0
Near Oberlin, OH 44074
David R
Job Details: 07/19/2021
Cc unit not washing. Found water entering unit but wash motor not running. Got F4E3 error. Also found 120 vAc not coming down to motor. Ordering both motor and control. **office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11085683 (Wash motor) and 1 W11305308 (Control)
We serviced a
Model WRV986FDEM00
Near Columbia Station, OH 44028
Marie V
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc that the unit makes a clicking noise and when u open the door lights arent on and then she unplug unit and plug back in and it starts to cool. Took temps 0*on freezer and 44* and 50* on fresh food section. Found fresh food section evaporator full with frost. Check ohms on thermistor, 5kohms. Should have been on 22kohms. Unit will need thermistor and control board. ; ordrng 1 W11087438 (Harness wire) and 1 WPW10675033 (Control)"
We serviced a
Model KFGG500ESS2
Near Columbia Station, OH 44028
Marie V
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc that the left front burner does not light as quick as others, check oven temp to see if is true temp, check all burners, some does not adjust correctly, right knob doesnt line up. Adjusted knob. Preheated unit to 350*, pass. Check all burners on low, right hand side burner was a little higher. Corrected issue. Replaced left hand side burner, tested. Good. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model MMV4205FZ0
Near Cleveland, OH 44124
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Customer complaint that the light and fan stay on all the time, confirmed, fuse blew when testing, unit needs new fuse , switches, and control, customer does not want repair ; ordrng 1 W11100598 (Cntrl) and 1 W10138793 (Fuse) and 1 W11244490 (Switches), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WMH32519FS1
Near Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Customer complaint that unit is not heating, confirmed, capacitor and diode are good, unit needs new magnetron ; ordrng 1 WPW10693025 (Mag), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WTW8500DR0
Near Garfield Heights, OH 44125
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Customer complaint that unit is not spinning properly, ran diagnostics found f3e2(inlet water temperature fault), f9e2(pump drive system problem ), f0e5(off balance), f6e2(miscommunication)and f7e9(locked rotor),error codes , unit spins, unit has large unbalanced load in it, ran test cycle unit completed, unable to duplicate the problem , unit is operating as designed"
We serviced a
Model WTW5000DW0
Near Cleveland, OH 44127
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Customer complaint that unit is not working, found wash plate stripped, unit needs new wash plate, customer states he has a 5 year warranty and is not paying service charge ; ordrng 1 W10752283 (Wash plate), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HW-6
Near Cleveland, OH 44113
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Installed new interlocks, op test good"
We serviced a
Model MVWC565FW2
Near Eastlake, OH 44095
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Customer complaint of loud noise and every once in a while it wont spin, ran diagnostics no error codes found, ran manual test cycle, unit spins and agitates, no unusual noises heard, unit spins , suspension is good, Unable to duplicate the problem , unit is operating as designed"
We serviced a
Near Oberlin, OH 44074
David R
Job Details: 07/19/2021
"Cc F8E4 float switch error. Parts PRE- ID. Found a little bit of water in tray error under float switch. Cleaned out. Tightened water valve, raised both feet by 5 times each. Ran diagnostics mode. Good. All components working properly. Op test ok."
We serviced a
Model n/a
Near Kent, OH 44240
Jason N
Job Details: 07/16/2021
Cc unit randomly leaksCustomer stated unit will leak random near door. Ran wash test for 35 minutes with dishes load. No leaks found on unit. Advised customer about proper loading of unit. Could not duplicate a leak at this time.
We serviced a
Model MVWC565FW0
Near North Olmsted, OH 44070
Marie V
Job Details: 07/16/2021
Replaced absorbers. Tested unit on a spin. Calibrated. Op test ok
We serviced a
Model MED5630HC2
Near Elyria, OH 44035
Marie V
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc that the unit will not run. When arrived, connected unit to a 240V outlet. Tried to turn unit on, failed. Took top panel off and verify green light at control board. Pass. Check continuity on wires for UI. Pass. Check for VDC coming out of control board to UI. From red to yellow UI is receiving 13VDC. Unit will need UI. ; ordrng 1 W11384512 (UI Chrome Shadow)"
We serviced a
Model LTE6234D0
Near Madison, OH 44057
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Customer complaint that unit is leaking, confirmed, found drain hose popped of of pump , reinstalled, op test good"
We serviced a
Model WMH32519HV5
Near Roaming Shores, OH 44085
Joe O
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Installed magnetron, transformer, and capacitor. Tested. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model KDFE104HPS1
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/16/2021
The plastic panel was rubbing against the bottom of the door so it made a clicking sound as it was binding up. I remove the lower kick panel I removed about an 8th inch material off the top of the kick panel allowing adequate room for the door to close properly
We serviced a
Model RED4516FW0
Near Wellington, OH 44090
David R
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc dryer not starting all the time. Turned to every cycle and unit is starting right up. Door switch is activating. Heat Cycling. Times dry, No Heat Fluff, Automatic Dry. Good. All cycles working. Start switch isnt moving out of place. Vent is hot, clear vent. All components working. Unit is good. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS0
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/16/2021
Installed the new part op tested good. Vent
We serviced a
Near Conneaut, OH 44030
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/16/2021
The lower bake element appears to be damaged in the back right corner of the element needs a new bake element recommended for them not to use it until the unit is fixed; ordrng 1 316415900 (Element) and 1 S
We serviced a
Model BX22TL
Near Garrettsville, OH 44231
Jason N
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc unit leaking from freezer.Found extreme ice buildup in freezer, frost as well since door is no longer able to close and seal properly. Chipped and melted away ice from freezer. Removed all product(as everything was glacier-ized). Found evaporator drain clogged. Steamed out drain. Removed drain tube in rear, cleared out sludge buildup. Op test good."
We serviced a
Model KDTE254ESS21
Near Rootstown, OH 44272
Jason N
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc unit leaking underneath Ran wash test then cancel drain. Found water spraying from drain hose loop. Unit needs drain hose. Replaced using misc. truck stock part. Reinstalled unit, reran wash test and drain out. No leaks found. Op test good. ; used 1 WPW10545278 (Drain loop) from stock"
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS00
Near Kent, OH 44240
Jason N
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc unit lights not working, dispense not working, not cooling properly all the time.Found intermittent lights when moving panty drawer in and out. Found break in pantry UI harness. Unit needs harness. Replaced using misc. truck stock. Lights returned, tested dispense functions. All functions normal. Op test good. ; used 1 W11170612 (Pantry door harness) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WDF520PADB7
Near Painesville, OH 44077
Joe O
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc: door not staying down, not getting hotFound no stored error codes. Ran diagnostics test cycle. Found cold water at start of cycle. Advised customer to run hot water at sink prior to starting cycle. No error codes after diagnostics cycle. Unit is heating. Found friction pads broke. Needs friction pads. Replaced friction pads. Op test ok; used 2 WP8268961 (SLEEVE FRICTION) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRF555SDFZ12
Near Cleveland, OH 44108
Corina H
Job Details: 07/16/2021
Cc that when dispensing ice it will not stop dispensing ice. Verified and found that the chute will take to long to close. Will need dispenser ordering part.; ordrng 1 WPW10353552 (Dispenser)
We serviced a
Model WRX986SIHV00
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
David R
Job Details: 07/16/2021
Replaced LED FZ light. Good. Other parts not needed.
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS01
Near Painesville, OH 44077
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Customer complaint of loud noise, confirmed, found ice build up into freezer section evaporator fan, unit needs new fan motor and control, part is out of stock so not scheduling return appointment ; ordrng 1 WPW10675033 (Cntrl) and 1 W11249952 (Fan motor)"
We serviced a
Model KDFE104HPS1
Near Cleveland, OH 44124
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Customer complaint that upper rack fell off, found upper rack adjusters broken, unit needs new upper rack adjusters, installed new adjusters, op test good"
We serviced a
Model WRS571CIDM01
Near Elyria, OH 44035
Marie V
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Replaced door, tested water. Ran step 44 and 45. Pass. Advice cust to allow unit a few hours to start making ice. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model MHW5500FW1
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Gabriel P
Job Details: 07/16/2021
Replaced bellow and dispenser opt test ok.
We serviced a
Model WFW8300SW04
Near Shaker Heights, OH 44120
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Customer complaint that unit is not draining, confirmed, found impeller on drain pump broken, unit needs new drain pump, customer does not want repair at this time ; ordrng 1 WPW10730972 (Drain pump), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model KMBS104ESS02
Near Brecksville, OH 44141
David R
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc Control panel not working, certain options. Confirmed. Start, cancel will not press. Display is good. All wires are plugged in. Found control have 10 year warranty on parts. Customer just pays labor and SVC. Ordering control. ; ordrng 1 W11197501 (Control panel assy) and 1 W10891907 (Interface control)"
We serviced a
Model KRFF507HPS02
Near Broadview Heights, OH 44147
David R
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc ui and water/ice not dispensing. Found loose connection to UI. Corrected, tested. Dispenser is working. Good. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model KRMF606ESS01
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corina H
Job Details: 07/16/2021
Evap fan could not be replaced do to the inner liner harness being burnt. Called whirlpool t/l and spoke to Adrian explained the problem with harness and did a video chat with him he took screen shots of damage and stated that unit is not repairable. Explained to customer that they will have to contact whirlpool consumer number. ; used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock
We serviced a
Near Andover, OH 44003
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/16/2021
Control board is not functioning properly Intermittent issue most likely control est only ; ordrng 1 WR55X10942P (Control) and 1 S
We serviced a
Model Ffex2315qp1
Near Kent, OH 44240
Jason N
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc unit not cooling Found both sections at room temperature, can hear start relay clicking on compressor. Found start relay burnt. Checked compressor health, compressor test good. Unit needs start relay. Replaced using truck stock. Compressor running, unit starting to cool. Advised customer to allow 24 hrs for unit to return to desired temps before restocking. ; used 1 8201786 (STARTER) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WML55011HW06
Near Chardon, OH 44024
Joe O
Job Details: 07/16/2021
Installed panel. Tested. Op test ok
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0BS3
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corina H
Job Details: 07/16/2021
CC that the oven does not heat properly. Confirmed. Checked the amp drawl at the igniter 2.89 amps. Replaced the igniter from t/s. Heated oven to 350*. Opt test ok ; used 1 12400035 (IGNITER) from stock
We serviced a
Model MDB6600AWB
Near Amherst, OH 44001
Marie V
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Took POP of a extended warranty from Maytag . Cc that the door wont close. Confirmed. Found panel , handle and latch broken. When looking for parts, panel is not longer available. Cust will buy new ; ordrng 1 WPW10130695 (Latch assembly) and 1 99002784 (Panel, not available)"
We serviced a
Model EFMG627UIW0
Near Shaker Heights, OH 44120
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Customer has inner door glass, outer doors glass is what needs replaced, part needed is actually cheaper than part customer already paid for; ordrng 1 5304505119 (Outer glass)"
We serviced a
Model KMHS120ESS09
Near Painesville, OH 44077
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/16/2021
The display on the microwave is not working but the unit functions fine. I did not find a loose connect needs a new control ; ordrng 1 WPW10678766 (Control)
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW0
Near Pepper Pike, OH 44124
Joe O
Job Details: 07/16/2021
Installed strike. Tested. Op test ok
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW0
Near Mayfield, OH 44143
Joe O
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc: weird noise during cycle, lid locked, not spinning clothes outFound unit in drain. Found error codes f9e1(long drain). Found debris in drain pump. Removed debris. Attempted to run auto test, lid will not lock. Unit will not power on. Needs control, and lid lockControl and latch show out of stock. Office to reschedule; ordrng 1 W11481108 (Control) and 1 W11394572 (Latch)"
We serviced a
Model MMV1175JZ00
Near Lorain, OH 44053
Marie V
Job Details: 07/16/2021
Replaced control and socket. Put a glass with water and tested. Unit is heating up and light is working. Op test ok
We serviced a
Model KESC307BAL9
Near Sheffield Lake, OH 44054
Marie V
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc that the oven door is very hard to open and close, and that it takes too long to heat, the top does not gets hot. Hinges are very stiff and the spring on it is not good. Will need new hinges. Preheated oven to 350* , pass, took temps 345* around oven. Calibrated unit 5* higher. Op test ok ordering hinges; ordrng 2 WP9782033 (Hinges)s"
We serviced a
Model WRS555SIHZ00
Near Cleveland, OH 44111
Corina H
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"CC that the unit is not cooling. Confirmed. No fans, compressor are running. Lights are working. Ran diag compressor turned on 1.47 amps. Fans turned on. Will need a new control and ui. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11212392 (Control) and 1 W11518204 (Ui)"
We serviced a
Model KGSS907XSP01
Near Bay Village, OH 44140
Marie V
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc that the unit will not work, when arrived unit has error code for sensor. Unit had sensor and UI control replaced, still having problems. Found main control board not reading the oven sensor. Will need new control. Office will contact once they have ETA on part.; ordrng 1 WP9762774 (Control), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
We serviced a
Model ALE331RAW
Near Euclid, OH 44123
Joe O
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Installed pulley, rollers and belt. Ran test cycle. Op test ok"
We serviced a
Model WDF310PAAS2
Near University Heights, OH 44118
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Customer complaint of noise and unit does not heat or dry, ran diagnostics found f7e1(no heat) error code, unit ran test cycle, noise is debris in drain pump, heater did not work, heater is open, no power to heater, unit needs drain pump housing cleared, heater, and control , heater is out of stock so not scheduling return appointment ; ordrng 1 W10804120 (Cntrl) and 1 W10518394 (Heater)"
We serviced a
Model WMH1163XVS1
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
David R
Job Details: 07/16/2021
"Cc unit display not working and also door is either saying its open when shut or opposite. Found control not sending out correct power. Door switches support are broken and switches charred. Ordering parts needed. ; ordrng 1 WP8206419 (Interlock top support) and 1 WPW10156813 (Switch support bottom) and 2 W10269460 (Switch, bottom)s and 1 W10138793 (Fuse) and 1 WPW10211457 (Main control) and 1 W10315773 (Panel display)"
We serviced a
Near Perry, OH 44081
Jeff M
Job Details: 07/16/2021
The unit is cooling customer had the temperature set lower than It shouldve been. Thanks maker hasnt worked in multiple years. The icemaker is getting power needs a new icemaker estimate only; ordrng 1 WR30X10097 (Icemaker) and 1 S