Near Mentor, OH 44060
Jason N
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MLE2000AYW "Installed timer, set for light load, timer advanced from prewash to main wash/fill. Op test good."
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVW7232HW0 "Customer complaint that unit shakes and is not level, unit is leaning back cause the floor is not level due to floor drain, moved unit and leveled"
Near Parma, OH 44129
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GAFZ21XXRK02 "Installed thermostat and heat probe, op test good"
Near Cleveland, OH 44119
Jason N
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7500GC2 "Installed lid latch. Ran auto test, op test good. During install unit lid fell back and hit pvc water piping behind unit. Cold water pipe split, sprayed water for a few seconds, no water damage to area, unit is installed in a basement. Shut off cold wate
Near University Heights, OH 44118
Jason N
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSSO42FTX02 "Cc unit not coolingCustomer stated ff section stopped cooling several times, freezer was fine and actually went colder. He shut down unit for a day each time, and it was fine for a few days after. Unit is currently cooling correctly, ff section reading 3
Near Lorain, OH 44052
Corina H
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MRT118FFFH01 Replaced the control and thermistor. Optest ok
Near Lorain, OH 44053
Corina H
Job Details: 10/22/2020
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB9959SKZ0 "CC that the unit does not drain. Found a service pointer W11482561. Checked garbage disposal, clear. Drain hose clear. Drain pump clear. Will need a new drain pump; ordrng 1 W11412663 (Drain pump)"
Near Moreland Hills, OH 44022
Jason N
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRSC703HPS00 "Cc unit not dispensing iceFound intermittent ice dispense when paddle is depressed. Ice door opening good, auger is intermittent. Checked connections on bottom of door. Checked good. Checked connection to auger motor. Found connector not fully clipped in
Near Parma, OH 44129
Job Details: 10/22/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDFE304DBL0 "Installed new sump assembly, op test good"
Near MENTOR ON THE, OH 44060
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE505W0JS0 Installed new part unit tested good. I found the right front switch is failing needs replaced also; ordrng 1 WP3149400 (switch-inf)
Near Amherst, OH 44001
Corina H
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB865GC1 CC that the unit makes a loud noise in spin and an error code came up. Ran diag f0e5 off balance load f0e2 suds. Ran a rinse and spin with towels. Advised cust to use 1-2 tablespoons of he detergent and 6-8 bath towels equals a full load. Optest ok.
Near Brook Park, OH 44142
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW3 "Customer complaint that unit is not draining all the time, Found error code F1E2 Motor control fault. Ran step #3b on page 14 resistance on shifter motor was 2,786 is good, checked winding on motor from J2 4-6 was 311 and from J2 4-5 was 263 its supposed
Near Aurora, OH 44202
Brian M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW4 Installed up and control Ran auto test and calibration OP Test Ok
Joe O
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS321SDHZ Installed wheel and axle roller. Op test ok
Near Willoughby, OH 44094
Joe O
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWX655DW0 "Cc: screeching sound during cycle, wet clothes at end of cycleFound error codes f1e1(main control fault) f7e5(shifter fault) f7e6(motor fault) f8e5(hot cold reversed). Found hot and cold are correct. Found unit is not shifting. Ohmed out shifter motor, f
Near Avon, OH 44011
Corina H
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KFIS29PBMS00 CC that the freezer is not cold enough. Ff 47* Fz 47* checked the ff evap non coated evap. Compressor is noisy. Will need a new evap and compressor.called t/l Kathy; ordrng 1 W10276644 (Compressor) and 2 WPW10143759 (Drier)s and 1 W10917531 (Evaporator) a
Near Avon, OH 44011
Corina H
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVW8230HC0 "CC that there is a f0e9. Ran diag F0e9 PauseOff Balance, f0e5 off balance. Leveled washer. Ran a calibration. Started a rinse and spin with towels. Advised cust to use 1-2 tablespoons of he detergent or 1 pod. 6-8 bath towels equals a full load. Optest o
Near Independence, OH 44131
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 "Customer complaint that unit is leaking, found evaporator drain tube clogged, cleared, op test good"
Near Painesville, OH 44077
Joe O
Job Details: 10/22/2020
DISHWASHER GE GSD2100V50WW "Cc: standing water, leakingRan drain. Unit drained water. Ran test cycle, unit filled. Found excessive suds in unit. Advised customer on soap usage. Could not duplicate issue. Op test ok"
Near Valley View, OH 44125
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WALL OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOD77EC0HS01 "Customer complaint that upper oven controls are now microwave controls and lower oven controls operate upper oven , confirmed, found the wrong user interface was sent, this is the user interface for a microwave wall oven combo, ordering user interface ag
Near Independence, OH 44131
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT311SFYW00 "Customer complaint that unit is leaking, found evaporator drain tube clogged, cleared, op test good"
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Joe O
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW6620HC0 "Cc: not running through cycleFound error codes f8e3(overflow). Followed diagnostics. In quick test, all functions are working properly. Ran small cycle to verify pressure sensor is functioning. Pressure sensor is functioning. Needs control. Control shows
Near Shaker Heights, OH 44120
Job Details: 10/22/2020
OTR MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH53520CW4 "Customer complaint that unit is not starting, unit started and heated, repeated several times with same results, unit is operating as designed"
Near Westlake, OH 44145
Corina H
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVW7232HW0 CC that the sound is not working. No sound on the control when its on high. Will need a main control and ui. ; ordrng 1 W11478526 (Ui) and 1 W11419171 (Control)
Near Fairview Park, OH 44126
Corina H
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT311FZDW01 Fz 15* Checked evap partial frost pattern. Unplugged the evap fan still partial pattern. Will need an evaporator ; ordrng 1 W10836706 (Evaporator) and 2 WPW10143759 (Drier)s
Near Cleveland, OH 44113
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW3090JW0 "Customer complaint that unit is not draining, ran diagnostics found f03(drain pump) error code, found a face mask lodged in drain pump, removed, unit drained, op test good"
Near Williamsfield, OH 44093
Joe O
Job Details: 10/22/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL GW399LXUS06 "Cc: no power, ui not functioningFound control receiving proper power, unit not powering on. Needs control; ordrng 1 WP8507P391-60 (cntrl-elec32170), used 1 SENIORDISCOUNT (senior discount), and 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
Near Elyria, OH 44035
David R
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWX655DW2 "Customer had POP. Cc unit stopped on the sensing, or customer paused unit and didn’t come back on. Unit getting 120. Both hot and cold lines are opened and hooked up correctly. Before doin anything, I just tuned unit to normal cycle and let it started. E
Near University Heights, OH 44118
Job Details: 10/22/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MGDZ600TW1 "Customer complaint of loud noise, confirmed, idler pulley is squealing, pulley shaft is too worn to just replace pulley, unit needs new pulley and shaft; ordrng 1 W10837240 (Pulley bracket), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
Near Parma, OH 44134
Corey L.
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHW6630HW0 "Customer complaint noise when spinning by hand like change is in basket, ran spin test, normal sounds, spinning lightly by hand water between basket and tub can be heard moving around, advised this is normal, unit is operating as designed"
Near Lorain, OH 44052
Gabriel P
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS325FDAM04 Customer want me to install water valve told them the need plumber we don’t do that
Near Jefferson, OH 44047
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
DRYER SAMSUNG DV42H5000EWA3 Installed new part unit tested failed. The unit is It’s plugged into an outlet that has power but doesn’t have power one minute I’ll have 240 the next minute I’ll have 70 or zero. Last time I was here I did test the outlet in at that moment it tasted good
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD8000DW0 Installed new part unit tested good they did not send the rear vent out that still needs to be ordered; ordrng 1 W11129538 (duct-air)
Near Andover, OH 44003
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR GE GSS25QGTABB Installed new part unit tested good ; used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock
Near Perry Township, OH 44077
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
ICEMAKER KITCHENAID KUID508ESS2 I install the new parts I have no idea if it works. The display will not turn on in the control board is stuck in defrost mode. Diagnostics is not working display is completely dead I think they sent a bad board. ; ordrng 1 W10865633 (cntrl-elec) and 1 W1
Near Elyria, OH 44035
David R
Job Details: 10/22/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT970SAHW0 "Cc after wash items are gritty, white spots, been doing that since customer got it. Customer uses cascade pods Checked water quality with test strips. Water hardness checks between 7 and 15 gpg. Looked and saw customer had rinse aid level up to 4. Custom
Near Brecksville, OH 44141
Corey L.
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC465HW2 "Customer complaint of a loud screeching noise when spinning, started high spin, no screeching heard, ran low spin heavy and lt agitation, all sounds normal, advised to take a video of sound to possibly help narrow it down if problem persists"
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
Corey L.
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWB835DW3 "Installed console and control, op test good"
Near Avon, OH 44011
David R
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ02 "Unit has been plugged in over a day, tested temps. Unit is cooling properly. Op test ok"
Near Streetsboro, OH 44241
Brian M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7120HW0 Cc unit not sensing properly Ran diagnostics found no errors Ran auto test no issue Had customer install and run software update on unit OP Test Ok
Near Pepper Pike, OH 44124
Jason N
Job Details: 10/22/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF510PAYS2 "Cc unit leakingCustomer stated the unit was leaking during a recent use. She checked the door for debris interference and cleaned the filter. She stated all subsequent uses after seems to be normal, no leaking. Ran diagnostics, no codes stored. Ran diagn
Near Streetsboro, OH 44241
Brian M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED7120HW0 Cc unit not responding to input after unit finishes a cycle From previous repairs had customer connect unit to WiFi and run software update Unit updated Ran test cycle OP Test Ok
Near Kent, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWX655DW1 Cc unit not spinning correctly Removed tub found gearcase to have a flat spot on shaft Replaced gearcase from truck stock Ran auto test and calibration OP Test Ok ; used 1 W11035751 (VMW GEARCASE) from stock
Near Bainbridge, OH 44023
Jason N
Job Details: 10/22/2020
DISHWASHER GE GDT545PSJ4SS "Cc unit not powering onConfirmed unit will not power on, checked power in control board. Good power in at 118v. No statues led on control board. Unit needs control board.; ordrng 1 WD21X24900 (CONTROL10450), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from s
Near Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
David R
Job Details: 10/22/2020
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4949SHZ1 "Cc unit is making noise. Found motor sitting down making loud vibration noise on ground. Installers took off back wheels before putting it in. Corrected, raised motor up. Tested. Good, op test ok"
Near Kent, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL ED2FHEXVT01 "Cc water not dispensing Found switch bracket to be broken Needs switch bracket ; ordrng 1 WP2180226 (bracket), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
Near Brook Park, OH 44142
Gabriel P
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS325SDHB04 "Replace parts,opt test ok"
Near Avon, OH 44011
Corey L.
Job Details: 10/22/2020
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WOC54EC0HS03 "Customer complaint no buttons working, confirmed, cycled power, still nothing, ui failed, replaced with console sent, op test good, advised customer to connect unit to WiFi and left number for connection team"
Near Russell Center, OH 44072
Jason N
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB865GW1 "Cc clothing getting caught under agitator.Replaced agitator using customer supplied pre Id part. Ran auto test and calibration, op test good. Advised customer to use appropriate wash setting for the load to ensure enough water is entering for the clothin
Near Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Corey L.
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR KENMORE 106.642594 "Installed evap fan motor, cleared ice, op test good"
Near Elyria, OH 44035
Corey L.
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFC7500VW2 "Customer complaint washer spun out 6 towels just fine but tried to do a few more loads to catch up and the clothes came out sopping, no errors, ran quick test, unit spins at high speed, nothing found in drain filter, drain pump had metal objects in housi
David R
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT134TFDB00 "Cc unit FZ is frosting over. Frost in FZ. Steamed all out, tested heater circuit, good. Found control not going into defrost mode and not sending correct voltage up to turn heater on. Ordering control.; ordrng 1 4388931 (timer,defrost adapt)"
Near Berea, OH 44017
David R
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MBF1958DEM00 "Replaced parts. Steamed and hot gun gasket, really deformed. Tested. Good. Leave door closed for half an hour to conform to cabinet. Op test ok"
Near Saybrook Township, OH 44004
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS325SDHZ00 The bay alarm was not in the right spot adjusted the icemaker unit tested good; used 1 SENIORDISCOUNT (senior discount) from stock
Near Brimfield Township, OH 44266
Brian M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WEG515S0FS2 Cc unit not baking Found bake igniter bent Replaced igniter Ran test bake to 350 and let cycle OP Test Ok
Near Highland Heights, OH 44143
Corey L.
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHV01 "Installed left ff dr switch, op test good"
Near Strongsville, OH 44136
David R
Job Details: 10/22/2020
RANGE JENN-AIRE JGS9900CDS02 "Cc burners was nptaking a while to light, vent motor running but no air coming through. Found vent hood to down draft was not hooked up at all. Just sitting next to it. Reattached and foil tape to stay together. Checked burners. Found soot residue. Let c
Near North Ridgeville, OH 44035
Gabriel P
Job Details: 10/22/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEYM00 Found no voltage going to start device and intermittently it throws voltage to start device and start cooling found service pointer on power outage customer will need both boards she will not fix
Near Newbury Township, OH 44072
Jason N
Job Details: 10/22/2020
FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WZF34X20DW01 "Cc unit not coolingFound evaporator cover and evaporator frosted over. Ran diagnostics, evap fan running, defrost heater turned on. Ordering evap thermistor and control.; ordrng 1 W11293202 (CONTROL) and 1 WPW10383615 (thermistor)"
Near Newbury Township, OH 44065
Jason N
Job Details: 10/22/2020
COOK TOP JENN-AIR JES9750CAS02 "Installed infinite switches and burner control relays. Ran burner op test on both burners, burners heating up and cycling. Ran grill element heat test, element heating up past previous diagnosis test. Op test good."
Near Streetsboro, OH 44241
Brian M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
Near Jefferson, OH 44047
Brian M
Job Details: 10/22/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 Cc unit did not start Plugged unit in and it automatically started cycle Found error for lid not opened between cycles Reset board Ran auto test no issue Ran calibration OP Test Ok
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Gabriel P
Job Details: 10/22/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE320M0ES0 "Found terminal block burn and broken also wires as well and the range cord as well replaced all parts try calling the landlord but no answer office reach out to customer for payment also tenant want me to send receipt to land lord email did not leave lef
Near Wellington, OH 44090
David R
Job Details: 10/22/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL MDB4949SHZ0 "Control wasn’t sending out power to wash motor. Restarted power to unit, everything was working fine. Called customer, talked to them about ordering control if need be. They said yes. Ordering control; ordrng 1 W11225084 (cntrl-elec)"
Near Madison, OH 44057
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/21/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHWE900VJ01 "21 code came back per tech sheet needs a pump; ordrng 1 WPW10730972 (pump-water), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
Near Conneaut, OH 44030
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/21/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW0 "The unit has a communication code in its new control boards. ; ordrng 1 W10861510 (console) and 1 W11100602 (cntrl-elec), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
Near Cleveland, OH 44120
Jason N
Job Details: 10/21/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDP350PAAW6 "Cc unit not completing cycles.Ran diagnostics, found code 5-1 for door stuck open. Diagnostics test would not run, start led flashing indicating door is open. Tried adjusting strike, no good. Ordering door latch switch and control.; ordrng 1 W10817267 (c
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Gabriel P
Job Details: 10/21/2020
COOKTOP ELE KITCHENAID KCED606GSS00 Switch is off track and knob it is stuck ordering both parts ; ordrng 1 W10866567 (swtch-oven) and 1 W11084158 (knob)
Near Willoughby, OH 44095
Joe O
Job Details: 10/21/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WEE745H0FS2 Customer never received parts. Reordering control and ui harness; ordrng 1 W10884488 (cntrl-elec) and 1 W11025616 (harns-wire)
Near Edgewood, OH 44004
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT318FZDM Put the unit in it cycled on and off multiple times could not find any odd sounding sounds. Unit tested good
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Gabriel P
Job Details: 10/21/2020
DRYER SAMSUNG DV42H5200EP/A3 "Found heating element open giving estimate customer will think about it do not order parts,opt test ok"
Near Brooklyn, OH 44144
Corey L.
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT518SZFM00 "Installed compressor and drier, held 29” vac for 15 min, added 4.27 oz r134a, good frost pattern forming after 10 min, op test good, advised customer to allow 24-48 hrs for temps to settle"
Near Painesville, OH 44077
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL MFF2558VEB4 "Electronic control is not going through a defrost cycle on its own and also has a relay that is sticking. Needs a new control board.; ordrng 1 WPW10503278 (refer elect cont brd), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
Near Cleveland, OH 44102
Corey L.
Job Details: 10/21/2020
WASHER AMANA NTW4605EW0 "Customer complaint washer not spinning or draining, water left in basket, found no led on control lit, unit would not go into diagnostics, unit needs new control W11116498, quoted, customer does not want repair at this time ; used 1 SHIPPING (shipping an
Near Brecksville, OH 44141
David R
Job Details: 10/21/2020
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB8989SHZ0 "Replaced parts. Tested in diagnostics, good. Also ran rinse cycle all the way through. Good. Let customer know, for runs times, you have to look in the owners manual to get a better idea of how long cycles run. On page 4/5 in owners manual, they give you
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
David R
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT106TFDW01 "Maintenance took fridge out of tenants home. Cleaned. Had unit running or bout a week, no smell. Checked back of unit. Checked in both FF and FZ, unit is good. Most likely spoiled items in tenants fridge when smelling odor. Unit is good. Op test ok"
Near Maple Heights, OH 44137
Jason N
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR GE GTH18GBDHRWW "Installed evap fan motor. No abnormal noise present, op test good."
Near Strongsville, OH 44149
Gabriel P
Job Details: 10/21/2020
FREEZER FRIGIDAIRE LFFH17F3QWA "Unit has bad temperature control gave estimate customer will install no need to schedule he paid parts an service ; ordrng 1 5304513033 (TEMP CONTROL), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
Near Cleveland, OH 44103
Job Details: 10/21/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVW6230HW0 "Customer complaint that unit is rinsing with hot water and some code popped up, ran diagnostics found f0e4(spin limited by water temperature ) f0e9(ob pause), and f0e5(off balance) error codes, found hot and cold water lines reversed, corrected, unit i
Near Concord Township, OH 44077
Joe O
Job Details: 10/21/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT730PAHZ0 "Cc: not washing, not breaking down soapFound water turned off to unit. Turned water on. Ran test cycle. Op test ok"
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corina H
Job Details: 10/21/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWC415EW1 "CC that the unit would not turn on, ran diag F7E5 SHIFTER FAULT, found the gearcase bearings are worn. Will need a gearcase; ordrng 1 W11454372 (Gearcase)"
Near Willoughby, OH 44094
Joe O
Job Details: 10/21/2020
RANGE KITCHENAID KSGG700ESS1 Installed control and ui. Ran test bake. Op test ok
Near Strongsville, OH 44149
David R
Job Details: 10/21/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW9200SQA12 "Replaced bellow. Tested. Leaking from cold water hose, corrected. No leaks. Op test ok"
Near Avon, OH 44011
Gabriel P
Job Details: 10/21/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WOS51EC0AS02 Replace parts opt test ok
Near Euclid, OH 44123
Joe O
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MBF1958FEB00 "Cc: ice build up, leakingFound drain tube is clogged. Needs drain cleared. Cleared drain, and drain tube. Op test ok"
Near Avon, OH 44011
Corey L.
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ02 "Installed parts listed, op test good, advised customer to monitor"
Near Cleveland, OH 44108
Joe O
Job Details: 10/21/2020
OTR MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH31017AS4 Cc: turntable still moving after door openTested unit. Unit functioning as designed. Could not duplicate issue. Op test ok
Near Cleveland, OH 44114
Job Details: 10/21/2020
ICEMAKER KITCHENAID KUIX335HWH00 "Customer complaint that unit is not making ice, found clean ice maker light on, advised customer to run clean cycle, unit is operating as designed"
Near Brooklyn, OH 44144
Job Details: 10/21/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW3 "Customer complaint that the unit will start adding water and then it stops. Confirmed. Found lid lock not locking . Replace lid lock from truck stuck. Started a normal cycle. Op test good HV; used 1 W11307244 (Lid lock), and 1 W11307244 (DOOR LOCK) from
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS571CIHZ01 Installed new part unit tested good
Near Willowick, OH 44095
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/21/2020
RANGE KITCHENAID KGRS087SSS01 Installed new part unit tested good ; used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock
Near Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Joe O
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF757SDHZ00 Installed ice maker. Cycled ice maker. Op test ok
Near Olmsted Township, OH 44138
Gabriel P
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 when running test 46 dispenser fill test water start coming out but when out of diagnostics it don’t work call whirlpool tech line spoke to Andy he said replace user interface cause is not doing it on normal operation only on diagnostics gave estimate cus
Near Westlake, OH 44145
David R
Job Details: 10/21/2020
DRYER MAYTAG LDG8824AAM "Cc not heating properly. Found ignitor chipped and broken. Checked valves, gas valves also out of range. Checked fuses, good. Will need valves and ignitor. Ordering both.; ordrng 1 279834 (2 coil gas valve set) and 1 4391996 (ignitor flat wp), used 1 SHI
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Jeff M
Job Details: 10/21/2020
OTR MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH53521HZ3 When the contractors install the microwave they never flipped the fan to vent outside. I uninstall the microwave installed the fan the correct way unit tested good
Near Strongsville, OH 44149
David R
Job Details: 10/21/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVW7232HW0 Replaced parts. Tested and hinge is a little bit further away but the hinge lines up with the lid and falls into place. Nothing else can be adjusted. Unit test good. Op test ok
Near Cleveland, OH 44120
Jason N
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEHZ00 Installed freezer door slides. Op test goos.
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corina H
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KRFF302ESS01 20 vacuum 75 psi equalizer at 35 psi nitrogen 140 psi with soap no bubbles. Called t/l Joel unit is non repairable.
Near Kent, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JFC2290VTB5 Cleared ice in freezer steamed out drain pan Replaced drain tube OP Test Ok
Near Eastlake, OH 44095
Jason N
Job Details: 10/21/2020
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MSD2572VEB01 "Cc unit intermittent cooling.Customer states unit will intermittently stop cooling, they have to “mess with the unit” to get it to turn back on and start cooling. Found service pointer W10403998 for intermittent cooling caused by ADC board. Found that tu