Near Brook Park, OH 44142
Corina H
Job Details: 09/25/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD5100HW0 Replaced the harness. Customer has a foil style vent advised customer to replace with a semi rigid or rigid vent.
Near University Heights, OH 44118
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/25/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG505M0BS3 Installed new part unit tested good
Near Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
Corina H
Job Details: 09/25/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEHZ00 CC that the arm fell off. Reattached the arm. Optest ok.
Near Brecksville, OH 44141
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/25/2020
WALL OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOD77EC0HS00 "Customer showed home closing date paper work putting unit under warranty, customer complaint oven turns on by itself and while cooking will sometimes turn off also Bluetooth not working, ran diagnostics found found f6e0 ui lost communication, cleared, po
Near Euclid, OH 44123
Job Details: 09/25/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SMBM00 "Customer complaint that unit is not making ice, found ice bin full, ice maker cycled and filled, unit is operating as designed"
Near Cleveland, OH 44107
Job Details: 09/25/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS325SDHZ04 "Recovered refrigerant, installed compressor , evaporator,and filter drier, brought system into a 28 vacuum, watched 15 minutes, no change on gauges, recharged unit with 5.5oz of r134a, good frost pattern, op test good, advised customer to wait 24 hours
Near Maple Heights, OH 44137
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/25/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT351SFYB00 "Replaced evap fan motor and cleared ice, op test good"
Near Maple Heights, OH 44137
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/25/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT311FZDW01 "Replaced evap and dryer, held 29” vac, added 4.25oz r134a, low side settled at 0, good frost pattern, op test good"
Near Cleveland, OH 44102
Job Details: 09/25/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW5 "Customer complaint that you turn it on beep beep beep sometimes it works clothes wet at end, unit is leaning to the right and has a board under feet, advised customer that unit needs to be on a solid level surface, ran diagnostics found f0e2(over suds),
Near Lorain, OH 44052
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/25/2020
DISHWASHER/B-IN MAYTAG MDB7959SKZ0 "Replace parts,opt test ok"
Near South Euclid, OH 44121
Job Details: 09/25/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5560SQ0 "Installed new clutch, op test good"
Near Cleveland, OH 44135
Corina H
Job Details: 09/25/2020
WASHER AMANA NTW4516FW3 "CC that the unit shakes. Checked the basket, centered. Advised cust the shaking is normal. Optest ok."
Near Strongsville, OH 44136
David R
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR N/A MSD2756GEB "Cc of noise when trying to dispense ice, no ice was coming. Removed Icemaker, found ice was stuck on motor and in door flap causing loud noise. Removed whatever ice blocking. Tested. Good. Op test ok"
Near Brecksville, OH 44141
David R
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SWHV02 "Cc frosting in FZ. Found gap on top of gasket. Put silicone over cabinet. Removed all ice, ice was blocking light. Used hot gun to conform. Good. Give 30 mins before opening. Op test ok"
Near Edgewood, OH 44004
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS588FIHZ Installed new part unit tested good
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4949SHZ1 The water was off unit op tested good
Near Elyria, OH 44035
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFC7500VW2 "I wasn’t able to get it to diagnostics to check for error code Call tech line spoke to pj he got me to diagnostics we ran the test it pass check pump catch found two pennies discoloring clear also we unplug unit then plug back in and re program the contr
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Joe O
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF954CIHM00 "Installed ui. Ran ice maker diagnostics. Ran ice maker fill tube heater, ran ice maker fill. Op test ok ; used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Jason N
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4955HW1 "Installed basket and suspension spring. Ran auto test and calibration. Op test good. Minimal vibration, normal for this unit."
Near Mayfield Heights, OH 44143
Joe O
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWB835DW3 "Cc: no powerFound error code f6e2(communication error), and f2e1(stuck key). Could not run any tests, unit will not allow selections after checking error codes. Needs control and uiCustomer does not want to repair at this time"
Near North Randall, OH 44128
Brian M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC465HW2 Cc unit stuck on spin Found spin light flashing Reset control Ran diagnostics found no errors Ran auto test and calibration Advised on loading and soap usage OP Test Ok
Near Warrensville Heights, OH 44128
Brian M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE320M0ES2 Installed control Ran test bake to 350 OP Test Ok
Near Cleveland, OH 44102
Corina H
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW6200VW0 CC that SD comes up. Found the basket not engaging to spin. Oil leaking from underneath. Will need bearings.; used 1 W10435302 (Bearings) from stock
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Corina H
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSSC48FMS00 CC that the ice maker is not making ice as much. Cycled the ice maker found the gears getting stuck not rotating properly. Will need a new ice maker; used 1 4317943 (Ice maker) from stock
Near Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
Job Details: 09/24/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDPE234GBS0 "Installed new dispenser, op test good"
Near Valley View, OH 44125
Brian M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW3 Cc audio stoped working Found audio to be turned off Showed customer how to turn it back on OP Test Ok
Near Strongsville, OH 44136
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 "Recovered refrigerant, installed compressor , evaporator,and filter drier, brought system into a 28 vacuum, watched 15 minutes, no change on gauges, recharged unit with 6oz of r134a, good frost pattern, op test good, advised customer to wait 24 hours be
Near Aurora, OH 44202
Brian M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
RANGE KITCHENAID KSGB900ESS0 Cc left front burner not simmering flame goes out Fund orfice to be dirty Removed orfice and cleaned it OP Test Ok
Near Elyria, OH 44035
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFI2670XEM7 "Found ice maker constantly cycling and not stoping or filling with water replace new ice maker opt test ok ; used 1 SENIORDISCOUNT (senior discount), and 1 W10882923 (ICE MAKER ASSY 103.59) from stock"
Near Strongsville, OH 44136
David R
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEHZ00 "Cc not getting water or ice. Went to back of unit, tested valve, water came directly out of valve. Frozen reservoir, service pointer. Ordering parts from Pointer. ; ordrng 1 212643 (sealer-gum) and 1 W10801011 (reservoir) and 1 W10841140 (adhesive) and 1
Near Westlake, OH 44145
Corina H
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WALL OVEN WHIRLPOOL KOCE500ESS08 CC that the lights flicker. Called t/l Butch that the voltage to l1-n drops below 109 volts the lights will flicker. Cust does not have paperwork from an electrician for voltage. Call CP and said we need the paperwork from an electrician
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corina H
Job Details: 09/24/2020
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB8989SHZ0 Plugged the ui in. Optest ok
Corina H
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WALL OVEN KITCHENAID KODE507ESS01 "CC that the sabbath mode is not working. Can only get one oven into sabbath mode. Called t/l. Set upper and lower oven to temp start for both, then hit tools-clock 7. Optest ok"
Near Cleveland, OH 44135
David R
Job Details: 09/24/2020
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL UMV1160CW7 Replaced parts. Tested. Good. Op test ok
Near Lyndhurst, OH 44124
Joe O
Job Details: 09/24/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED6620HW1 Installed ui. Tested. Ran test cycle. Op test ok
Near Parma, OH 44129
Job Details: 09/24/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDFE304DBL0 "Customer complaint that unit is leaking, confirmed, found unit leaking from diverted, unit needs new sump assembly ; ordrng 1 WPW10455261 (Sump)"
Near South Euclid, OH 44121
Joe O
Job Details: 09/24/2020
OTR MICROWAVE GE JVM1740SM1SS "Cc: not workingFound unit not powering on or starting. Found unit is receiving proper power. Cycled power to unit, control lit up. Ran test cook. Unit is not heating. Found door switches are not being fully pressed. Needs door switches"
Near Cleveland, OH 44102
Jason N
Job Details: 09/24/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG320M0BW2 Cc gas smell/leakBubbles checked all connections on unit. Bubble checked gas line and gas shut off. Gas coming from shutoff valve itself when turned on. Advised customer to contact plumber or local gas company to have shut off valve replaced.
Near Richmond Heights, OH 44143
Corina H
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRB322DMBM01 "CC that the food is getting defrosted. Ran diag for the fans, compressor and damper, good. Will need a new control. ; ordrng 1 WPW10503278 (Control), used 1 WPW10503278 (Control) from stock"
Near Streetsboro, OH 44241
Brian M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB865GW0 Cc unit not running properly Found stored error for lid not open in between cycles Ran auto test and calibration Ran manual spin and agitation Unit is working properly
Near Fairview Park, OH 44126
Corina H
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ02 "CC that the door does not shut, no water are ice dispensing. Found a dent In The left hand door not hitting the door switch.When holding the switch the ice and water dispense. Will need a new door and switch. ; ordrng 1 W11307224 (Left door) and 1 W11396
Near North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF757SDHV00 "Replace part,opt test ok"
Near Fairview Park, OH 44126
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR GE PFE29PSDDSS Parts no longer available is discontinued found fan not running getting voltage but not starting office have marcone research
Near Berea, OH 44017
David R
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT111SFDM04 Missing part W11299027 will need broken. Ordering put. Replace all at once. Place on cancellation list. ; ordrng 1 W11299027 (deflector)
Near Highland Heights, OH 44143
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8500DW5 I ran the unit through a cycle put the unit in diagnostics I was unable to find an issue unit operated tested good
Near Streetsboro, OH 44241
Brian M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG505M0BW2 Complaint glass broken Found door glass broken panel damaged and knob broken ; ordrng 1 WPW10535777 (glass-door) and 1 W11178521 (nameplate) and 1 W10620549 (panl-mnfld) and 1 WPW10339443 (knob)
Near Brimfield Township, OH 44266
Brian M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ02 Cc unit not making ice Found icemaker locked up Replaced Ran test harvest OP Test Ok
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW3 The unit has a water leveling issue needs a new main control I check the sensor hose the hose is fine needs a new main control; ordrng 1 W11195970 (cntrl-elec)
Near Cleveland, OH 44102
Jason N
Job Details: 09/24/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL MDBH979SAM0 "Cc unit leaking Ran wash test, unit leaking from right side door, spray blowing past door seal. Small tear in door seal. Unit needs door seal.; ordrng 1 W11177741 (gasket6490), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling) from stock"
Near Cleveland, OH 44144
Joe O
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW2 Cc: not syphoning water and detergent out of dispenserFound no stored error codes. Advised customer the dispenser and dispenser tray will always hold a little bit of water. Ran auto test and calibration. Ran normal cycle. Op test ok
Near Cleveland, OH 44113
Jason N
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SMBM00 "Cc unit ice maker not workingFound ice maker fill tube frozen. Thawed fill tube, ran manual fill valve test, good flow through and stops . Ran ice maker test, ice maker indexed, filled mold with water. Op test good."
Near Cleveland, OH 44107
Corina H
Job Details: 09/24/2020
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB7749AWM2 CC that the unit will not start. Found silver migration on the ui. Service pointer to call t/l. Will need a new ui. Called t/l Rich; ordrng 1 W10811151 (Ui)
Near Cleveland Heights, OH 44106
Jason N
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WALL OVEN KITCHENAID KODE500ESS04 "Cc unit codes f2e1Ran diagnostics, confirmed code f2e1 for stuck/shorted keypad. Replaced console using customer supplied pre Id part. Ran operational test. Op test good."
Near Moreland Hills, OH 44022
Jason N
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW95HEXW2 "Cc unit not working and codesCustomer states it lock the door when starting a cycle then sit there, and eventually a code will appear on display. Ran diagnostics, found code f6e1 for ccu to mcu communication error. Unit will not tumble. Unit needs mcu bo
Near Franklin Township, OH 44240
Joe O
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC465HW2 Installed gasket. Ran auto test and calibration. Op test ok
Near Cleveland, OH 44102
Jason N
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KURR204ESB00 "Cc unit has condensation building up on door glassNo condensation on door when arrived. Evap fan running, unit is cooling normally. Temp set for assorted at 37degrees. Advised customer we can try a door gasket to start. ; ordrng 1 W10797384 (gasket)"
Near Roaming Shores, OH 44084
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 The unit was not shifting I installed a new shifter unit tested good; used 1 W10913953 (ACTUATOR) from stock
Near Cleveland, OH 44108
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR AMANA ART318FFDW06 "Recovered refrigerant, installed evaporator and filter drier, brought system into a 28 vacuum, watched 15 minutes, no change on gauges, recharged unit with 3.7oz of r134a, good frost pattern, op test good, advised customer to wait 24 hours before restoc
Near Avon, OH 44011
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF507HPS00 "Customer complaint that freezer section light is not working, confirmed, found freezer section light out, unit needs new freezer section led module ; used 1 W10695459 (Led) from stock"
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Job Details: 09/24/2020
BEVERAGE CENTER KITCHENAID KURR204ESB00 "Customer complaint of moisture build up between door glass, confirmed, ordering new door glass assembly ; ordrng 1 W11431159 (Door glass)"
Near Madison Township, OH 44057
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB89598WS1 The garbage disposal did not have the center plastic punched out brand new garbage disposal unit tested good
Near Parma, OH 44129
Joe O
Job Details: 09/24/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF520PADM7 "Cc: not workingUnit is receiving proper power. Found harness shorted out. Needs control and harness. Control shows out of stock, office to reschedule; ordrng 1 W10906426 (cntrl-elec) and 1 W11227372 (harns-wire)"
Near Westlake, OH 44145
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW1 Found oil leaking from transmission pulley of motor damage also drive belt ordering all parts need it also agitator won’t come out order one just incase I have to break the old one ; ordrng 1 W10721967 (drive pulley) and 1 W10913953 (actuator) and 1 W1102
Near Cleveland, OH 44113
Jason N
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS311SDHM04 "Installed ff door and nameplate. Noticed color seems a bit off. Grain pattern in the door is running vertical, old door and freezer door grain patterns running horizontal. Called wp techline, Jk, reorder door, may have been pulled from differ t stock. Ad
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KRSC503ESS00 Found temperature on both side 58 degrees calling chad check for dye no leakson sawder joint add fregerant hear a bubbleling sound coming from the inside cabinet by cp he said to send a senior tech with nitrogen ; ordrng 1 WPW10143759 (dryer)
Near Highland Heights, OH 44143
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHV Do unit is not dispensing water or ice. The ice bin is full the water valve does function correctly I removed ice from the ice bin the icemaker did fill up with water. Laser actuating but the control board is not sending power; ordrng 1 W11043763 (cntrl-e
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Corina H
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF555SDHB01 "CC that there is water leaking. Found water leaking on the left and right side. Checked the drain pan, good. Found ice under the deli drawer. Checked the water valve. Hairline crack in the water valve to the ice maker. Called t/l. Andrew to replace the v
Near Madison, OH 44057
Joe O
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR AMANA ASD2522WRW03 "Cc: intermittently not coolingFound unit not running when I arrived, all lights on. Evap is not frosted over. Found tapping on thermostat unit started cooling. Needs thermostat; ordrng 1 WP2198202 (thermostat8340), used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling)
Near Conneaut, OH 44030
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 Service pointer for excessive frost in freezer; ordrng 1 W10864519 (adapter)
Near Palmyra Township, OH 44266
Brian M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE710H0AS1 Cc unit not pre heating Found bake element open Needs element ; ordrng 1 W10779716 (elmnt-bake)
Near Rootstown, OH 44272
Brian M
Job Details: 09/24/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS571CIHW01 Cc ice maker leaking Found hairline crack in mold Needs ice maker ; saved tckt
Near Lorain, OH 44053
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/24/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 Found error f7e5 shifter fault and f7e6 motor fault replace shifter and still not agitating or spinning check latch is good order parts need also notice some parts was rusty underneath ask customer if she had a flood she said no ; ordrng 1 W10890624 (moto
Near Harpersfield Township, OH 44041
Jason N
Job Details: 09/23/2020
REFRIGERATOR GENERAL ELEC GFE29HMEIES "Cc unit leaking and not making iceCustomer stated water will sit under deli drawers, And unit is not making ice anymore. No water in unit at this time, ff evap drain is clear, not a clogged evap drain. Customer stated it’s the same issue they had before.
Near MENTOR ON THE, OH 44060
Jason N
Job Details: 09/23/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS588FIHZ "Cc unit not coolingFound compressor not running. Checked signal voltage in control, good at 6.3v dc. Power in to inverter good at 119v ac. Plugged inverter back in, compressor started up. Possible loose connection, checked terminal tension on connectors.
Near North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5100HW0 "Replace all parts,opt test ok"
Near North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/23/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GI5FSAXVY02 Knock on red door 4 times and no answer but customer just pull up as I was leaving found control relay clicking not starting fridge also customer had power outage user interface acting crazy advise then that they will need the control but user interface w
Near Leroy Township, OH 44077
Joe O
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB865GW0 "Installed control and ui, ran auto test and calibration. Op test ok"
Near Strongsville, OH 44149
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW1 "Customer complaint washer not getting past wash light, ran diagnostics found unable to see motor rpm, ran tach test, failed, quoted to replace actuator, ok, replaced with ts, calibrated, op test good ; used 1 SHIPPING (shipping and handling), and 1 W109
Near Andover Township, OH 44003
Brian M
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW92HEFC Installed drain pump Ran auto test OP Test Ok
Near Parma, OH 44129
Corina H
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB865GW0 "CC that it does not finish a cycle. Ran diag F5e1 Lid Switch Fault Lid Is Up, checked the lid switch, out of range. Replaced the lid lock from t/s. Ran a calibration. Started a normal cycle. Optest ok. ; used 1 W10810403 (Lock) from stock"
Near Mantua, OH 44255
Brian M
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW1 Cc unit wont agitate Found shifter broken due to cam not shifting properly Replaced shifter and cam kit Ran auto test and calibration OP Test Ok ; used 1 W10721967 (PULLEY) from stock
Joe O
Job Details: 09/23/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRB322DMBM01 "Cc: not cooling when door is closedFound when door is opened the unit will cool. Needs control.replaced control. Unit is cooling, advised customer to allow 24 hrs for temps to adjust. Op test ok; used 1 WPW10503278 (CNTRL-ELEC) from stock"
Near Bentleyville, OH 44022
Joe O
Job Details: 09/23/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSSC48QVS02 Installed motor and chute door. Op test ok
Near Kent, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details: 09/23/2020
REFRIGERATOR GE PFE29PSDASS Installed customer supplied fan Cleared drain tube as well OP Test Ok
Near Kent, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 Complaint unit not cycling Found stored codes for over load and out of balance Ran auto test no issue Ran partial cycle with load until it got to the wash cycle Ran drain and spin no issue Advised on loading again
Near Solon, OH 44139
Job Details: 09/23/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KUDS35FXWH9 "Installed new user interface, op test good"
Near Solon, OH 44139
Job Details: 09/23/2020
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDBH949AWQ4 "Customer complaint that unit is leaking, model and serial number do not match dispatch"
Near Westlake, OH 44145
Corina H
Job Details: 09/23/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE104DSS0 CC that the unit is not draining. Found the check flap in the wrong position. Replaced the drain hose from surplus t/s. Started a cycle. Optest ok. ; used 1 WPW10545278 (Drain hose) from stock
Near Bay Village, OH 44140
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/23/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MEDC200XW1 Replace timer opt test ok
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Jason N
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL GHW9460PL0 "Cc unit still leakingRan bulky load wash test. Tub filled with water, let cycle for 10 min, no leaks. Ran drain and spin, again no leaks. Some residue along bottom of door. Customer states when it leaks it’s not a lot of water only a small puddle on floo
Near North Madison, OH 44057
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WASHER FRIGIDAIRE GLTF2940FS1 I did not use the part I found the child lock was on. I turn the lock off. Op tested good I also explain to the customer how the lock could’ve possibly got turned on I showed her how to turn it off we also went over soap loading procedure she was using wa
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
David R
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WALL OVEN JENN-AIR JJW2730DS00 Replaced part. Tested both top and bottom oven. Good. Op test ok
Near Willoughby Hills, OH 44094
Jason N
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW3 "Cc unit will randomly not work, codes coming up , unit sparks when plugged in Customer states unit will not work for days, have to unplug and plug back in, then codes come up sometimes. Advised sparking from outlet is normal. Ran diagnostics, found code
Near Rocky River, OH 44116
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL CAE2743BQ0 "Installed coin chute, op test good"
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/23/2020
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB8989SHZ0 "Customer complaint button on dispenser broke again, confirmed, found “open” button missing, customer stated he is not rough with it, noticed Kirkland brand detergent but pods seem to fit with detergent door shutting properly, messaged Techline through se
Near Willoughby, OH 44094
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/23/2020
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFF2558FEZ05 The unit has frost inside the freezer. I clean most of the frost out of the freezer appears at the doors just left open
Near Westlake, OH 44145
David R
Job Details: 09/23/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSCS23INSS00 Replaced parts. Tested. Good. Op test ok
Near Maple Heights, OH 44137
Job Details: 09/23/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT311FZDM01 "Customer complaint of odor, no unusual odors noticed, good frost pattern on evaporator, evaporator fan , compressor and condenser fan are running, unit is operating as designed"
Near Kent, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details: 09/23/2020
REFRIGERATORO MAYTAG MFF2055DRH00 Installed doors OP Test Ok
Near Streetsboro, OH 44241
Brian M
Job Details: 09/23/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL CAE2745FQ1 Replaced lid OP Test Ok