Near Seven Hills, OH 44131
Job Details:
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD49STBW2 "Installed new timer, op test good"
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Job Details:
DRYER FRIGIDAIRE GLGQ2152EE1 "Installed new bearing kit, op test good"
Near Cleveland, OH 44144
Gabriel P
Job Details:
Near Willowick, OH 44095
Joe O
Job Details:
WASHER FRIGIDAIRE ATF7000ES0 Cc: not spinningFound error code e46(Board thinks the door PTC circuit is open in spin). Ran test 7 per tech sheet. Advised customer there is a chance the door lock may have damaged the control but we won’t know until we change the door lock. Needs door l
Near Chester Township, OH 44026
Brian M
Job Details:
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB766FW1 Cc of error of f6e2 Found stored codes of f6e2 f6e3 and f2e1Needs UI and control EST only
Near Euclid, OH 44123
Corey L.
Job Details:
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL GU1500XTKQ0 "Replaced thermal fuse, op test good"
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corey L.
Job Details:
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG520S0FS0 "Customer complaint display is starting to go bad one light it out, confirmed found the inside of an 8 or 5 not illuminating on display, display needs replaced; ordrng 1 W11027098 (cntrl-elec)"
Near Willoughby Hills, OH 44094
Jeff M
Job Details:
RANGE KITCHENAID KOSE500EBS04 Lights are flickering they will occasionally work and stop working the lights directly plug into the appliance manager main control needs replaced; ordrng 1 W11179310 (cntrl-elec)
Near Maple Heights, OH 44137
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG M1BXXGMYW00 "Customer complaint that unit is not cooling, fresh food section temperature at 55 degrees, freezer section temperature at 55 degrees, evaporator fan is running, compressor and condenser fan are running, no frost pattern on evaporator, unit needs new
Near Bainbridge Township, OH 44023
Jason N
Job Details:
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD7500GC0 Cc unit not workingConfirmed no response from unit. Checked power in to control board. Good at 115v. Unit needs control board. Customer also wanted to know why lint was building up in door. Found door missing inner seal allowing lint to blow into door. Or
Near North Kingsville, OH 44030
Arthur V
Job Details:
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD8000DW4 Found bad rattling noise coming from blower housing. Need to order housing and blower wheel ; ordrng 1 W11246350 (housing) and 1 WP697772 (blower wheel)
Near Cleveland, OH 44109
Job Details:
DRYER WHIRLPOOL LGQ8000JQ4 "Customer complaint that unit is not tumbling and has a burning smell, confirmed, unit needs new motor; ordrng 1 279827 (motor!dryer)"
Near Broadview Heights, OH 44147
Job Details:
RANGE GE PGS950SEF4SS "Customer complaint that pilots are not working, confirmed, unit needs new orifaces, harness, 1 igniter and , spark module, some of parts needed are showing out of stock; ordrng 9 WB01X24460 (screw)s and 1 WB02K10360 (ckt bracket small) and 1 WB02K10362
Near Cleveland, OH 44111
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT771RWYW01 "Customer complaint that unit freezes up in freezer section and doesn’t cool in fresh food section, Freezer section temperature at 10 degrees, fresh food section temperature at 43 degrees, found evaporator partially frozen solid, defrost heater and bi m
Near Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
Jeff M
Job Details:
OTR MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH31017HS2 The relay that controls the fan is sticking needs a new control; ordrng 1 W10892389 (cntrl-elec)
Near Elyria, OH 44035
Corina H
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF507ESS01 "CC that there is no ice. Checked the shut off valve, inline valve. Ff 40* Fz -4* ice maker 5*. Checked the voltage to the heater 120 volts. Ohmed of the heater 241 ohms. Called t/l Leon to replace the heater. Will need a heater and valve. ; schdld next a
Near Ravenna, OH 44266
Brian M
Job Details:
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8540BW0 Cc unit showing DL Found lid lock not functioning properly Ohmed out lid lock per tech sheet and seems contacts are shorted Needs lid lock Lock under warranty ; ordrng 1 WPW10619844 (latch)
Near Painesville Township, OH 44077
Arthur V
Job Details:
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG320M0BS3 Glass door panel damaged. Need to reorder advised customer to inspect next panel that he receives. ; ordrng 1 W11176456 (glass-door)
Near Ravenna, OH 44266
Brian M
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FFHS2611PFEA Cc ice maker leakingFound cubes in icemaker and ran test harvest Found unit to fill while ice cubes are still in unit Ice maker is double filling also ice maker is skipping teeth when trying to push cubes out Needs ice maker ; ordrng 1 241798231 (ICEMAKER
Near Lorain, OH 44053
Gabriel P
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS555SIHZ01 Can not repair line cause is a plumbing install the line from the basement has a pin hole not the line on fridge we don’t mess with that will need a plumber
Near Perry, OH 44081
Jason N
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WFW5090JW0 Installed pressure switch and control Ran wash test to allow water to flow and then cancel drain. Unit operation test good.
Near Beachwood, OH 44122
Jason N
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT108FZDW05 "Could not install listed parts. Found this unit to be all aluminum, could not see last visit out due to ice ball covering tubes. Unit will need lokring tech. Office to contact maint. Deshawn Ray, for rescheduling.; saved tckt"
Near North Madison, OH 44057
Joe O
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FFHT1831QS5 Installed control. Op test ok
Near North Kingsville, OH 44004
Arthur V
Job Details:
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH73521CS5 After replacing switches unit fan was making a rattling noise and shutting down. Customer does not want to invest any more money in unit.
Near Shaker Heights, OH 44120
Job Details:
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corey L.
Job Details:
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MHWE950WW01 "Customer complaint washer is making loud noise about 15 minutes into it and gets worse, confirmed found bearings warn out, unit needs front and rear tub, quoted, customer does not want repair, left quote; used 1 1OVRSZ (Oversize Shipping) from stock"
Near Westlake, OH 44145
Gabriel P
Job Details:
COOK TOP KITCHENAID KFGU766VSS02 Found middle burner not lighting but all four other burner ignited and turn on took cook top apart and look for any loose connection a call bj to found out if middle burner comes with igniter cause could not find a way to take out we search it up and it i
Near Rocky River, OH 44116
Corey L.
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SMHZ00 "Customer complaint it’s leaking again in ice bin and back corner, confirmed, removed evap cover to watch water enter ice maker, water pressure is too high shooting water through the slit at the top of the fill tube, advised customer to replaced piercing
Near Cleveland, OH 44102
Job Details:
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG505M0BW2 "Customer complaint that door handle is broken, confirmed, unit needs new door handle ; ordrng 1 W11105179 (hndle-door 74.11), used 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLING) from stock"
Near North Olmsted, OH 44070
Corey L.
Job Details:
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE334GPS0 "Replaced tracks, op test good, customer added a few items on top and bottom and had said with items it usually stops within the first couple minutes, waited until customer was satisfied cycle was going to continue"
Near Cleveland, OH 44120
Jeff M
Job Details:
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTM354DSS4 Reschedule customer for the next available day customer wants to recycle the pumps themselves; saved tckt
Near Painesville, OH 44077
Arthur V
Job Details:
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB865GW0 Found 4 error codes. F5e1 lid switch fault. F0e4 water thermister fault. F3e2 inlet water temp fault. Need to order water valve and main bd. Console at times not responding to turning dial order console also. I will replace lock assy also ; ordrng 1 W1113
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Arthur V
Job Details:
BUILT IN FRIDGE GE ZISB420DMA Replaced main bd and all three thermisters. Customer to monitor. Op test good ; used 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLING) from stock
Near Cleveland, OH 44124
Jeff M
Job Details:
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT710PAYM5 Installed new part unit op tested good
Near Aurora, OH 44202
Jason N
Job Details:
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT710PAHZ1 "Cc unit did not drain on first washNew construction and install. Customer stated she had someone from pulte to check the disposal drain plug. She was told it was removed. Ran diagnostics, no codes stored. Checked drain loop under sink, good loop. Ran was
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Joe O
Job Details:
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WOC95EC0AS04 "Cc: shattered front glassFound outer door glass shattered and lower vent shield dented. Customer is ok with the dent in the vent. Needs outer door glass.; ordrng 1 W10577911 (oven door glass21955), used 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLING) from stock"
Near Willoughby Hills, OH 44094
Jeff M
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 The units ice box fan has failed and needs replaced ; ordrng 1 W10846539 (evaporator fan blade)
Near Solon, OH 44139
Brian M
Job Details:
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW4 Cc of error f6e2 Found stored codes of f6e2 and f6e3 unit then became unresponsive Replaced control and UI Ran auto test and calibration OP TEST OK
Near Cleveland, OH 44109
Job Details:
Near Cleveland, OH 44113
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF606ESS01 "Customer complaint that lights are not working, confirmed, found deli control out, unit needs new deli control, harness, and led module ; ordrng 1 W11170612 (harns-wire) and 1 W11205083 (module) and 1 WPW10769076 (cntrl-elec)"
Near Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
Jeff M
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ01 Installed new part unit op tested good
Near Cleveland, OH 44104
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF989SDAM02 "Customer complaint that unit is not cooling, fresh food section temperature at 62 degrees, freezer section temperature at 73 degrees, no frost pattern on evaporators, unit needs new fresh food section evaporator ; ordrng 1 W11116006 (evaporator) and 1
Near Westlake, OH 44145
Gabriel P
Job Details:
RANGE KITCHENAID KDSS907XSP01 Preheat oven to 350 result was 358 is working as design also customer said when she turn off bake and turn it back on it show 276 explain customer thats not the proper way to check temp wants it turn off and then turn on it will reset it self to reach 350
Near Aurora, OH 44202
Brian M
Job Details:
RANGE WHIRLPOOL KODE500ESS02 Installed door glass OP TEST OK
Near Avon, OH 44011
Corina H
Job Details:
DRYER WHIRLPOOL MEDC465HW0 "Cust showed pop, sent pic. CC that the unit does not heat. Customer has a foil style vent advised customer to replace with a semi rigid or rigid vent. Optest ok."
Near Perry, OH 44081
Arthur V
Job Details:
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW5620HW0 Upon arrival ran diagnostics getting a f0e2 oversudsing. After cycling unit thru service cycle unit passed and did not give a error code. Called techline Chris Techline suggested unit not be on a gfci circuit and that it may be electrical noise causing is
Near Amherst, OH 44001
David R
Job Details:
DISHWASHER FRIGIDAIRE LGID2475QF0A "CC error code I30. Spoke with tech line, walked me through steps and determined that the code deals with pressure sensor and will need the kit. Ordering kit.called tech line Ray; ordrng 1 5304504077 (pressure sensor KIT)"
Near Brook Park, OH 44142
David R
Job Details:
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB865GW0 "Cc white residue on clothing. Checked no error codes. Went through service test 51, all components are working. Went through manual mode, tested valves, spin, agitate, drain, all good. Gave info about cycles and amount of water, with deep fill and adding
Near Fairport Harbor, OH 44077
Arthur V
Job Details:
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL MDB8989SHZ0 Replaced dispenser. Op test good. Install not correct. Drain hose going thru floor (see pic). Advised customer
Near Parma, OH 44134
Corey L.
Job Details:
Near Parma, OH 44129
David R
Job Details:
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG320M0BW2 "Replaced control, tested back on 350, heated. Op test ok."
Near North Olmsted, OH 44070
Corina H
Job Details:
WALL OVEN GE JGRP17BEW4BB CC that the unit will not hold temp they already replaced the temp sensor and the igniter. Turned oven on the 350* waited 30 min. The fan is noisy. Will need a control and fan. Control is nla.
Near Edgewood, OH 44004
Jason N
Job Details:
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL DU1055XTVT1 "Cc unit stopping in cycles our not startingUnit powers on, pressing cycle start, can hear relay click but unit does not start a cycle then eventually powers off. Unplugged water valve, checked power in to valve at start of cycle, 0v, tried several more t
Near Rocky River, OH 44116
Corina H
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT318FZDW05 "Recovered refrigerant, replaced compressor and drier, pulled 28”vac w/ pump, watched, good, charged 3.7 oz r134a, unit cooling, pressures good, op test ok ; used 1 W10896678 (FITTING) from stock"
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
David R
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SWHZ02 "Replaced part. Tested. Good, no gaps. Op test ok"
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
David R
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS312SNHM01 "Replaced drawer cover. Gasket not needed. Customer had concerns about gasket but nothing was wrong with it. Also concerns about temp in FF section, customer had temp at Max Cool, set down to ideal per owners manual. Also had damper all the way open letti
Near Moreland Hills, OH 44022
Joe O
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF305ESS00 "Cc: not making iceFound freezer temps at 5 degrees and ff at 36 degrees. Cycled ice maker, unit cycled and filled. Has good water pressure to unit. Told customer I did not find an issue and quoted them for a ice maker. Replaced ice maker, op test ok; us
Near Moreland Hills, OH 44022
Joe O
Job Details:
WALL OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOD51EC0HS01 Installed listed parts. Ran test bake to 350 on both ovens. Op test ok
Near Brook Park, OH 44142
Corey L.
Job Details:
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG505M0BW2 "Installed left side panel, op test good"
Near Richmond Heights, OH 44143
Joe O
Job Details:
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE525S0HS1 "Cc: shut off oven, went to bed and unit was still onCustomer states she had to keep pressing off to finally get unit to shut off. Installed control. Ran test bake to 350. Shut unit off, watched. Op test ok"
Near Strongsville, OH 44136
Corey L.
Job Details:
SXS REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS315SDHZ02 "Installed compressor and drier, held 29 “ vac for 15 min, added 5.5 oz of r 134a, frost pattern forming, op test good"
Near Rocky River, OH 44116
Corina H
Job Details:
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED4815EW1 CC that the unit is not getting hot enough. Turned dryer on cycled the high 205* med 185* low 150* air fluff no heat. Working as designed. Optest ok.
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
David R
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBFS25ECMS00 Found icemaker stuck and not advancing. Replacing with t/s. Tested. Called for water. Op test ok; used 1 W10884390 (ICE MAKER ASSY) from stock
Near Lorain, OH 44053
David R
Job Details:
DRYER MAYTAG MEDE300VF2 "Cc not turning on. This unit has a bottom and top catch/strike. If both aren’t on the light in the drum won’t turn off. Adjusted the catch and strike as much as possible, they are new so still stiff. Sprayed multi purpose lubricant on to help them out. S
Near Kent, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details:
WASHER ADMIRAL AAV7000AWW Cc unit making loud grinding sounds Found unit to be extremely loud and never even spins just agitates Spoke to BJ and he advised me that the unit will need a transmission and bearings Trans Bulletin TDL-0017B-B Maytag says To replace transmission and bea
Near Brimfield Township, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details:
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB8989SHZ0 Complaint unit will not lock Ran test on control unit is functioning as design this model does not lock Unit sees when door is open and when it’s closed Can not test fully there is no water hook up in store
Near Cleveland, OH 44120
Jeff M
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MSS25C4MGK01 Customer does not use the ice very frequently causing the ice to freeze together explain to her if she’s not using the ice every single day to at least dump the bin once a month and start fresh
Near Concord Township, OH 44077
Arthur V
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR GE GSS25JERFCC Replaced defrost heater. Started unit back up ; used 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLING) from stock
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Joe O
Job Details:
FREEZER UPRIGHT WHIRLPOOL WZF34X20DW01 "Cc: burning smell, unit hot on exteriorCustomer stated unit was still cooling when they had the issue. Customer had unit unplugged upon arrival. Plugged unit in. Let unit cool. Called whirlpool tech line spoke with Chris, he asked if I checked the wiring
Near Concord Township, OH 44077
Joe O
Job Details:
OTR MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH31017FW0 Cc: over range light not functioningFound socket is receiving power. Needs bulbCustomer is going to buy a bulb and install
Near North Madison, OH 44057
Joe O
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG M1TXEGMYS01 "Cc: not cooling, light not powering onFound temps in ff at 58 degrees and freezer at 61 degrees. Found compressor not running. When pulling unit out to check the compressor the unit started up. Found outlet keeps loosing power. Compressor started up. Uni
Near Cleveland, OH 44111
Corina H
Job Details:
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4855HW1 Replaced the drain pump. Brought core back for return.Ran a calibration. Started a cycle. Optest ok.
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Gabriel P
Job Details:
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT750SAHZ0 "When install garbage disposal they forgot to tap the wall inside so water was enable to drain inside garbage disposal it was hitting a wall correct issue,opt test ok"
Near Euclid, OH 44123
Corina H
Job Details:
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4955HW0 "CC that there is a loud noise when washing. Ran diag no codes. Ran a calibration. Found a penny in between the agitator and basket, removed the penny. Started a normal cycle with towels let agitate for 5 minutes, then ran a drain and spin. Could not dupl
Near Beachwood, OH 44122
Jason N
Job Details:
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5500XW2 "Cc unit not spinningRan diagnostics, found codes f7e1 for speed sensor fault, f7e7 for motor unable to reach target rpm. Ran manual agitate and spin functions. Motor only humming. Capacitor open. Unit needs run capacitor. Manager not present to approve r
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Gabriel P
Job Details:
WASHER MAYTAG MAV7600AWW "Found smoke coming front motor giving estimate customer will not fix,opt test ok"
Near Geneva Township, OH 44041
Jeff M
Job Details:
WASHER MAYTAG MHW5630HW0 Unit had a suds code and off-balance code. I cleared the codes are recommended for them to use less soap and I explain to them how to properly load the unit op tested good
Near Aurora, OH 44202
Brian M
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSBS25IVBL01 Cc unit won’t dispense ice Found bottom of bin stripped out and sleeve and washer damaged on shaft Needs bin and shaft sleeve EST only
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Gabriel P
Job Details:
WASHER GE n/a "Found error code e23 motor drive mechanical problems and e14 overflow water level sensor and e13 door open and e11 door lock assembly problem latch is damage also all four shocks broken giving estimate on what customer need he will,not repair"
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR GE PGCS1RKZHSS "Installed new ice maker, ice maker cycled"
Near Avon, OH 44011
Gabriel P
Job Details:
RANGE GE PGS975SEM1SS "Customer strip bolts from igniter took me little while to get it out wants replace ran preheat to 350 and pass,opt test ok"
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Corina H
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 Replaced the main control and ui. Brought core back for return. Optest ok.
Near Cleveland, OH 44124
Jason N
Job Details:
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWB800VQ0 "Cc unit not draining Found tub full of water, ran drain and spin, pump loud and not working.Replaced drain pump using customer supplied pump. Ran drain and spin, op test good."
Near Chardon Township, OH 44024
Jeff M
Job Details:
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE404DSS0 Uninstalled the unit disassembled reassembled with the new tub reinstalled the unit unit tested good I noticed the user display wash lights is burnt out needs a new UI. ; ordrng 1 WPW10537418 (panel-cntl)
Near Cleveland, OH 44121
Jason N
Job Details:
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG505M0BS3 "Installed clock control. Ran bake test, op test good.Found oven door gasket brittle and broken. Unit needs oven door gasket. Customer will install himself.; ordrng 1 WPW10535778 (gaskt-door)"
Near Thompson, OH 44086
Job Details:
DISHWASHER GE GDF620HMJ2ES "Customer complaint that unit is not starting, confirmed, led on control is lit solid, unit needs new control per tech sheet; ordrng 1 WD21X24900 (CNTRL), used 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLING) from stock"
Near Russell Center, OH 44072
Brian M
Job Details:
WASHER MAYTAG MTW5700TQ0 "Cc unit not spinning out Found lid switch to be damaged Needs lid switch ; ordrng 1 WP8318084 (switch-lid3065), used 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLING) from stock"
Near Jefferson, OH 44047
Joe O
Job Details:
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW5620HW0 Cc: unit would not startFound customer was pushing in the wrong location to start the machine. Op test ok
Near University Heights, OH 44118
Jason N
Job Details:
LAUNDRY CENTER WHIRLPOOL WGD4850HW "Cc unit not drying Customer stated it takes at least 4 times to dry a load. Ran dryer cycle, checked venting to outlet outside. Can not feel any air movement through the tube. Customer has 2 units, unsure if venting is connected to both units through the
Near Cleveland, OH 44144
Corey L.
Job Details:
RANGE AMANA AGR5330BAS3 "Customer complaint of a chip in oven and the front left burner doesn’t have low, adjusted burner, confirmed damage to front frame metal bent causing paint chipping, unrepairable part, called wpl tl, spoke with Tj, transferred to trade care team, wpl trad
Near Brooklyn, OH 44144
Corey L.
Job Details:
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW3 complaint is temps are all hot not and they’ve only used cold settings, ran diagnostics found f3e2 thermistor open or shorted, thermistor failed replaced housing with part sent, calibrated, op test good"
Near Ashtabula Township, OH 44004
Arthur V
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT541SZHV00 Found unit not defrosting. Found wire at heating element had come loose from connector. Reattached and Completly defrosted unit. Op test good
Near Parma, OH 44129
Corey L.
Job Details:
DISHWASHER MAYTAG WDT720PADM2 "Replaced control, op test good"
Near Parma Heights, OH 44130
Corey L.
Job Details:
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE505W0HW1 "Customer complaint there was a burning smell while baking bread so it was unplugged, found black wires at terminal block severed and melted coating, unit needs terminal block kit; ordrng 1 5304409888 (block)"
Near Euclid, OH 44123
Jeff M
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WSF26C3EXW01 Installed new part unit op tested good
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Arthur V
Job Details:
RANGE GE n/a "Found no 120 v to IGNITOR. Found IGNITOR open also. Needs control,and bake IGNITOR. Cust to decide later if repair is wanted. Parts needed are 1-wb27k10356. 1-wb27k10255. And 1-wb13k21."
Jason N
Job Details:
WALL OVEN WHIRLPOOL n/a "Cc unit not turning onFound unit does have power, but no display. Buttons on display panel do function, but unit will beep. Unit will need control assembly. This part( 8303883) shows nla. MS tag completely faded out."
Near Euclid, OH 44123
Jeff M
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG M1TXEGMYQ00 I popped the arm back in place and tested good; used 1 SENIORDISCOUNT (SENIORDISCOUNT) from stock
Near Cleveland, OH 44104
Jason N
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT518SZFM00 "Cc unit not coolingConfirmed freezer section 42 degrees. Pulled evap cover, found ice ball on cap tube. Unit has a refrigerant leak. Unit will need sealed system repair. Customer not repairing.
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Arthur V
Job Details:
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW Ran diagnostics. Getting a f8e1 error. Long fill no fill. Found hot water to unit turned off. Opened hot water valve and tested unit. Unit filled and agitated. Advised cust hot water is needed to mix the water going in and and there is a water mix on all