Near Avon, OH 44011
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WZF79R20DW03 Found frost on top door and cabinet there is and air leaking but gasket is sealing good going to steam gasket and use Vaseline on corners also found another freezer connected on the same outlet the freezer is explain customer that it has to be on its own
Near Elyria, OH 44035
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT311FZDB00 "Replace all parts,opt test ok"
Near Kent, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF750SAYM3 Cc of unit not heating Ran diagnostics found error for open heat circuit and owi not reading temps Ohmed owi it’s not within range Ran auto test found heater to be functioning Needs control and owi
Near Garfield Heights, OH 44105
Job Details: 09/13/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW6620HC0 "Customer complaint of shaking , ran diagnostics found f0e5(off balance load) error code, started quick wash cycle with load, No unusual shaking observed, unit is operating as designed"
Near Cleveland, OH 44106
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT518SZFM00 "Customer complaint that unit is not cooling, fresh food section temperature at 64 degrees, freezer section temperature at 3 degrees, found frost build up in freezer section , called whirlpool techline spoke to mike , recommend s replacing evaporator fan
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX986SIHZ00 "Customer complaint ice build up in freezer because seal is not touching on corner, confirmed, found slides failed not springing shut, unit needs both brackets; ordrng 1 W10625067 (bracket LEFT) and 1 W10625068 (bracket RIGHT)"
Near Cleveland, OH 44120
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DRYER AMANA NED4655EW1 "Customer complaint that unit is not starting, confirmed, found start button not mounted properly, no damage, reinstalled, op test good"
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
David R
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DRYER MAYTAG MEDB835DW4 Found door switch disconnected. Connected back. Unit heated and cycled. Op test ok
Near North Royalton, OH 44133
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/13/2019
RANGE KITCHENAID KSGB900ESS1 "Found console damaged, After completely removing packaging, found corner damaged, shipping box was not visibly damaged to indicate a drop when checked on last visit, reordering console; ordrng 1 W10913685 (panl-cntrl)"
Near Shaker Heights, OH 44120
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC302ESS02 "Customer complaint that doors are not level, leveled unit as best as unit can be leveled, op test good"
Near Strongsville, OH 44136
David R
Job Details: 09/13/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG525S0HV1 Replaced control and spark module. Tested. Op test ok
Near Rocky River, OH 44116
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SMHZ00 "Customer complaint ice in back of freezer every few days, confirmed, water valve failed, ordering new water inlet valve, customer has bullet piercing valve, advised this is a potential flood hazard and should be replaced with a ball style valve, is reque
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/13/2019
RANGE KITCHENAID KGRS505XWH04 "Customer complaint oven door came off hinge and cooktop is not working, found left rear burner valve seized, called customer to quote, ok; ordrng 1 WPW10206287 (valve-brnr 106.34), used 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLING) from stock"
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Jason N
Job Details: 09/13/2019
RANGE KITCHENAID KSGG700ESS1 "Cc unit displays f1e1 error codeRan diagnostics found codes f1e1 for internal eeprom error and f3e0 for temp sensor fault. Temp sensor reading as shorted in diagnostics, tried resetting control. F1e1 came back after a few minutes. Unit needs control boar
Near Avon, OH 44011
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/13/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW95HEXW1 "Found inlet valve leaking show customer a video so she can understand what’s going on giving and estimate she will fix; ordrng 1 WPW10247306 (valve 90.69), used 1 SENIORDISCOUNT (SENIORDISCOUNT), and 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLING) from stock"
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corina H
Job Details: 09/13/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8240YW0 "CC that there is a loud noise in a spin cycle. Found the bearings are worn. There is oil leaking on the rotor, rps sensor and stator. Will need new bearings, rotor, stator and rps sensor"
Near Rocky River, OH 44116
Corina H
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF767SDEM01 "Called t/l had run test 6, 38 heater turned on. Replaced the control, harness zipped tied the thermistor and covered Steamed the evap both evaps. Optest ok there are burn marks in the freezer evap. Took pic. Brought core back for return. Optest ok"
Near Bay Village, OH 44140
Corina H
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSF26C6XYY00 CC that the ff is not cooling. Found the evap fan unplugged. Steamed out evap and plugged fan in. (My fault) optest ok
Near Rocky River, OH 44116
Corina H
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KFCS22EVWH5 CC that the gasket are twisted. Steamed out gaskets. Optest ok.
Near Perry Township, OH 44081
Arthur V
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DRYER ROPER RGX4634KQ2 Found gas coils faulty. Replaced with truck stock. Op test good Unit heating now. ; used 1 279834 (COIL) from stock
Near Kent, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBFS22EWMS9 Cc of ice clumping and she recently got a new ice makerFound ice maker making ice properly but temp setting was set to 7 instead of 0 or -1 advised on dropping the temps because it’s most likely clumping when unit goes to defrost and ice melting together.
Near Streetsboro, OH 44241
Brian M
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GB2FHDXWQ04 Cc of unit leaking from freezer Found drain pan clogged Found drain tube to be needing the update but not under the special job code Replaced using truck stock cleared drain pan OP TEST OK ; used 1 W10619951 (TUBE-DRAIN) from stock
Near Aurora, OH 44202
Brian M
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS321SDHW01 Customer showed pop Cc of no cool in fridge Found evap frosted over forced defrost no good found thermistor open Replaced using truck stock Ran forced defrost heater kicked on Defrosted evap OP TEST OK ; used 1 W10902214 (THERMISTOR) from stock
Near Beachwood, OH 44122
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL KDTE304DPA0 "Customer complaint that unit is not cleaning the dishes, placed upright glass in racks, started normal wash cycle, unit filled, incoming water temperature at 77 degrees , found filter no installed completely blocking spray arm, reinstalled filter, o
Near Bainbridge Township, OH 44023
Brian M
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE304GPS0 Cc of unit not washing Found sump getting power but not running Installed sump assembly Ran test cycle OP TEST OK
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Arthur V
Job Details: 09/13/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW0 Found unit needs gearcase and hub assy. Unit moving erratic in spin. Customer does not want repaired
Near Shaker Heights, OH 44122
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED5000DW2 Scraping noise was being caused by a bobby pin I remove the bobby pin unit tested good
Near Cleveland, OH 44114
Job Details: 09/13/2019
OTR MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH32519FS1 "Installed new capacitor , diode, and magnetron, no outlet available to test unit on"
Near Bainbridge Township, OH 44023
Brian M
Job Details: 09/13/2019
Near University Heights, OH 44118
Brian M
Job Details: 09/13/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WGG555S0BS01 Cc cover not on correctly Found burner plate installed incorrectly and cover would sit flush Fixed plate OP TEST OK
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corina H
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DRYER GE DBSR453EB2WW CC that the unit is not spinning. Found the belt is broken. A lot of water on the drum. The vent has a y connected to another dryer. Advised cust to replace the y to not have moisture traveling to another dryer. Cust does not want to repair.
Near Cleveland, OH 44121
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT710PAHZ1 Installed new part unit op tested good
Near South Euclid, OH 44121
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBFS20ECMS00 Fridge raider was unlevel I re-leveled the fridge to the gravity would carry the door faster. U;it op tested good
Near North Ridgeville, OH 44039
David R
Job Details: 09/13/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG710H0AS1 "Cc of using broil and UI bubbling up front heat. Checked and there is a service Pointer on ordering a spacer clip positioner to fix problem. Technical Service Pointer #: W10668166. Looks like part comes with spacer, research that. Relayed information ove
Near Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF560SAFM2 "Customer complaint spray arm fell off onto metal, confirmed stray arm damaged, replaced, op test good"
Near Novelty, OH 44072
Joe O
Job Details: 09/13/2019
WALL OVEN JENN-AIR JJW2827IM00 "Cc: error code f6e4 ui/acu status mismatch, and unit shut off with oven probe/occasionally the display will not show upCustomer states error code came back a few times after hard resetting unit. Entered diagnostics Found error code f6e4(from August 11 20
Near Dorset, OH 44032
Brian M
Job Details: 09/13/2019
WASHER FRIGIDAIRE FFLE3911QW0 Cc of unit still not washing Called Frigidaire talked to tech she has me ohm out the motor and all wires going to motor control. Everything ohmed out per spec. She then advised me that it could possibly be a motor but then she doesn’t exactly know because
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corina H
Job Details: 09/13/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE505W0HB1 "Cust showed pop, sent pic. CC that the unit is not heating. Found the wires at the terminal block burnt. Took pic. Will need a new terminal block and wires. Office to order parts. ; ordrng 1 W11134842 (harns-wire) and 3 WP3400029 (nut)s and 1 WPW10245259
Near Elyria, OH 44035
David R
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB8989SHZ0 Cc dishes not getting clean. 4-3 Wash motor error code. Wash motor not working. Ordering Pump and Motor.; ordrng 1 WPW10591570 (pump&motor)
Near Elyria, OH 44035
David R
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB8989SHZ0 "Cc unit was not working or turning off by itself. Came today, all buttons are working. Started normal cycle and unit working normally. No error codes. Ran service mode. All components checked fine. Ran another couple cycles and was turning off randomly.
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT720PADW2 "Customer complaint that unit is not cleaning the dishes, found unit not filling with water, unit needs new water valve; ordrng 1 W11175771 (valve-inlt)"
Near Beachwood, OH 44122
Job Details: 09/13/2019
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FRT8B5HW0 "Customer complaint that unit is not cooling, fresh food section temperature at 55 degrees , freezer section temperature at 45 degrees, evaporator fan is running, compressor is running , no frost pattern on evaporator, unit needs new evaporator and com
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Jason N
Job Details: 09/13/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG550S0HZ0 "Cc unit oven not workingRan bake and broil test, neither will spark. Checked power in to unit, good at 122v, checked ground connections. All check good. Checked power to dsi board, good at 122v, checked power from main board to dsi on bake and broil test
Near Ashtabula, OH 44004
Arthur V
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DRYER FRIGIDAIRE FFQG5000QW "Found unit needs both limiter and high limit t stat Also control panel broken. ; ordrng 1 134711401 (limiter) and 1 137116700 (thermostat) and 1 137539200 (limiter) and 1 137618510 (panel), used 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLING) from stock"
Near Sheffield Township, OH 44004
Arthur V
Job Details: 09/13/2019
DISHWASHER FRIGIDAIRE FGID2466QF3A Unit getting a Uo error. Stands for vent open. Needs vent fan assy ; ordrng 1 154861101 (vent assy)
Near Perry, OH 44081
Jason N
Job Details: 09/12/2019
DRYER MAYTAG MGDB835DW2 "Cc unit not dryingConfirmed no heat, checked ignitor and flame presence. Ignitor not receiving power, checked thermals. Found thermal fuse open. Unit needs thermal fuse, do not have any in truck stock, will have to order. ; ordrng 1 WP3392519 (thermal fu
Near Euclid, OH 44123
Jason N
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW1 "Cc unit not agitatingFound washplate loose, removed and inspected splines on drive shaft and washplate. Shaft splines good, washplate splines are worn. Unit will need washplate. ; ordrng 1 W10902814 (washplate10599), used 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLIN
Near Euclid, OH 44117
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
RANGE MAYTAG MER5752BAW Broil element is severely warped still works but needs replaced; ordrng 1 WPW10310249 (elmnt-brol)
Near Wickliffe, OH 44092
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ01 "Part came damaged, upside down to packaging and two plugs were missing causing oil to leak, ordering new part; ordrng 1 W11209866 (compressor)"
Near Mogadore, OH 44260
Brian M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
UPRIGHT / CHEST WHIRLPOOL WZF34X16DW01 Cc of unit still not cooling Found no frost on evap but found ice ball on filter drier compressor is extremely hot spoke to BJ he advised its a restriction and to replace compressor and drier Needs filter and compressor ; ordrng 1 W10507884 (compressor)
Near Bedford, OH 44146
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4955HW1 The gear case is leaking oil. Needs new gear case actuator belt cam; ordrng 1 W10721967 (drive pulley) and 1 W10913953 (actuator) and 1 W11035747 (gearcase) and 1 W11239857 (belt)
Near Madison, OH 44057
Arthur V
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB725BW0 Found rotor very hard to remove. Bolt almost seized. Needs rotor ; ordrng 1 280146 (rotor)
Near Willoughby, OH 44094
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR KENMORE 253.7034341A I disassembled the icemaker section steamed out the evaporator remove the housing install the updated kit. Unit op tested good
Near Cleveland, OH 44112
Joe O
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER AMANA NTW4516FW3 "Cc: not washingFound error code f8e1(long fill no fill) drain tube was at incorrect height and on the floor. Advised customer about drain tube. Adjusted drain tube to test unit. Ran auto test and calibration, ran normal cycle. Op test ok"
Near Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Joe O
Job Details: 09/12/2019
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4949SHZ0 Installed drain pump. Ran test cycle. Op test ok
Near Cleveland, OH 44110
Jason N
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SWHZ02 Cc unit freezer not cooling and light not workingCustomer stated light came back In freezer right before I arrived. Found freezer with condensation buildup on top of compartment and around door switch. Checked door gaskets and door closure. Found small g
Near Beachwood, OH 44122
Joe O
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW1 "Cc: shaking, off balanceRan auto test and calibration. Ran drain and spin."
Near Beachwood, OH 44122
Joe O
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC704FSS00 "Cc: leakingFound water build up under water filter housing. Customer states it stopped after he removed the water filter. Pulled drawer found no ice build up near drain tube. Re installed water filter. Found water leaking through filter, and filter causi
Near Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Jason N
Job Details: 09/12/2019
RANGE KITCHENAID KODE300ESS00 "Customer stated now unit not working at all, confirmed, unit showed f1e0 for UI panel failure. Installed appliance manager boards and UI panel. Did not use wiring harness as this harness does not contain the wiring for the UI panel connections. All funct
Near Independence, OH 44131
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX986SIHZ00 "Customer complaint that unit is not cooling, freezer section temperature at 75 degrees, fresh food section temperature at 71 degrees , no frost pattern on freezer section evaporator , unit needs new fresh food section evaporator and compressor ; ordrng
Near Parma Heights, OH 44130
David R
Job Details: 09/12/2019
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4949SDZ0 "Cc not finishing cycles. F8E2 drain motor, F8E3 drain stuck on. Checked windings on motor. Checked wires. Replaced drain pump from t/s. Tested. Still turns off 2/3 mins into cycle and starts draining. Ordering control.; ordrng 1 W10906430 (cntrl-elec), u
Near Maple Heights, OH 44137
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7300DW0 Installed new part unit op tested good
Near Concord Township, OH 44077
Corina H
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF954CIHZ00 Replaced the water valve and cover. Cust has well water. Advised cust to put a screen on the the water line going to the unit. Water pressure is low. Optest ok.
Near Garfield Heights, OH 44125
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/12/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KUDC10FXSS3 "Customer complaint dishwasher is not cleaning good and customer read there is a filter to clean somewhere, unit was pulled out and and drain hose was cut at drain pump, unit needs drain hose to test, removed screen to access chopper, found several hard b
Near Cleveland, OH 44102
Corina H
Job Details: 09/12/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED5000DW2 "CC that the unit is not heating. Found the l2 wire to the terminal block burnt. Will need a new terminal block, cord and vent. Replaced the terminal block from t/s. Advised cust to replace the semi rigid vent with a new vent due to it being smashed. Opte
Near Kent, OH 44240
Brian M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF736SDAM13 Cc of gasket not sealing Found that I did noft tighten door screws all the way to pull door in all the way Cleared up frost and redid door made sure gap was closed OP TEST OK
Near Mogadore, OH 44260
Brian M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX986SIHZ Cc of door handle loose and water leaking Found water to be leaking from saddle valve in basement advised customer to have plumber replace with a actual shut off valve Tightened handle OP TEST OK
Near Mogadore, OH 44260
Brian M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED8540FW0 Cc of no heat Found heating element open Replaced using truck stock Ran test cycle OP TEST OK ; used 1 WP8544771XXX (XXX DO NOT RESTOCK XXX) from stock
Near Brecksville, OH 44141
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MZD2665HES "Did not order all parts needed, ice door seal is separate part, ordrng 1 WP12665101 (seal- ice 4.46)"
Near Cleveland, OH 44102
Corina H
Job Details: 09/12/2019
COOKTOP GAS KITCHENAID KCGD500GSS00 Cust does not have a regulator on the cooktop. Called BJ we do not install regulators. Called t/l mike the motor restrictor plate goes between the motor and the plenum. Advised not to install it until the regulator is installed by a certified plumber. Opt
Near Lakewood, OH 44107
Corina H
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 "Replaced the gear case, shifter and cam. Ran a calibration and a rinse and spin. Optest ok."
Near Bedford Heights, OH 44146
Joe O
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB865GW0 Cc: constantly running waterfound water valve stuck open. Needs water valve. Replaced water valve. Ran auto test and calibration. Op test ok; used 1 W11165546 (VALVE) from stock
Near Bedford Heights, OH 44146
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHWE201YW00 "The washer has a F9E1 Long drain code I check the drain. drain check good. I ran a quick wash cycle it filled more than halfway full. pressure sensor system failed the control to not recognize the sensor went bad needs a sensor, the hose, and main contro
Near Oberlin, OH 44074
David R
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFI2569VEQ1 "Replaced gasket, steamed to conform. Op test out"
Near Bainbridge Township, OH 44023
Joe O
Job Details: 09/12/2019
RANGE HOOD GE ZV750SY4SS "Cc: not workingCustomer states they changed the fuse in the unit and it stopped working again. Found unit receiving 120v. Called ge tech line spoke with Jeff. advised him of the issue. Ran a test. He stated to replace the triac, fuse, and a bulb. He stat
Near Bainbridge, OH 44023
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE320M0ES2 Terminal block shorted one of the power wires need to terminal block nuts and harness; ordrng 1 W10245259 (block-term) and 1 W11219895 (harns-wire) and 3 WP3400029 (nut)s
Near Russell Township, OH 44022
Jeff M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWB880BW0 "The drain pump is seizing up it’ll occasionally work and I will occasionally drain needs a new drain pump estimate; ordrng 1 WPW10409079 (pump-water), used 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLING) from stock"
Near North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW0 "Customer said she was getting black residue on clothes and that she was using Clorox on clean washer with affresh cycle advise her to use affresh pill or white vinegar also explain her to go lower on detergent 2 tablespoons, ran diagnostic no error code,
Near North Ridgeville, OH 44039
David R
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFC2062FEZ01 "Cc of build up of ice, possibly left door open. Steamed gasket and ice. Op test ok"
Near Brecksville, OH 44141
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHWE201YW "Customer complaint of error code, ran diagnostics found f6e1(serial miscommunication between central control unit and motor control unit) error code, found 1 coil on motor open, unit needs new motor/motor control unit, customer will install ; ordrng 1
Near Bay Village, OH 44140
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHWZ600TW00 "Replace motor drive and belt drive,opt test ok"
Near Cleveland, OH 44112
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SWHZ01 "Installed new tracks and filter door, op test good"
Near Painesville Township, OH 44077
Arthur V
Job Details: 09/12/2019
COOK TOP FRIGIDAIRE GLGC30S9ESA Checked with bubble solution every connection. 3 times. No leak found. No smell of gas the complete time of inspection. Ran all four burners while searching for leak. Left gas on per customer but unplugged for safety Customer to inspect when he gets hom
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/12/2019
DRYER AMANA LGA60AW "Installed pulley and bracket, lubricated bearings, op test good, noticed customer has foil style vent, advised this is a potential fire hazard and should be replaced with a semi solid or solid rigid metal style vent"
Near Mentor, OH 44060
Arthur V
Job Details: 09/12/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL KERC607HBS5 Customer complaint unit oven not reaching temp ( not hot enough ) did temp check at 350. Reading 325. Reset for plus 20. Op test good
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Corey L.
Job Details: 09/12/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KUDC10FXSS5 "Customer complaint unit leaked but found her stone pans were weighing down upper rack creating drawer not to be able to be pushed all the way back, tried it without the stones she said no leaking unit still leaning slightly forward, removed wheels from r
Near Parma Heights, OH 44130
David R
Job Details: 09/12/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL KEBC247VWH03 Customer was confused on how to start cleaning cycle. She had old outdated book for a different model. Showed customer how to start clean cycle. Op test ok.; used 1 SENIORDISCOUNT (SENIORDISCOUNT) from stock
Near Broadview Heights, OH 44147
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8500BW0 "Installed new valves, op test good"
Near Streetsboro, OH 44241
Brian M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL JER8785QAS Installed element ran test bake to 350 OP TEST OK ; used 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLING) from stock
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Corina H
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF767SDEM01 Replaced the harness and control. Brought core back for return. Advised cust to replace the plastic line with a braided flex or copper line. Optest ok.
Near Brook Park, OH 44142
David R
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER MAYTAG WTW4900BW0 "Cc unit not working. No fill long fill error code. Customer had drain hose go directly into ground. Advised customer of drain hose height in owners manual. All other components check good. Ran service mode, ran calibration. Op test ok."
Near Conneaut, OH 44030
Arthur V
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW5100DW0 Found drain pump faulty and needs replaced ; ordrng 1 WPW10605427 (pump-water)
Near Cleveland, OH 44111
David R
Job Details: 09/12/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD5000DW3 "Cc of vibration noise. Sound like something was looking in the back. Found drum seal pushed in on some parts, corrected. Took off everything on back of unit. Put back and made sure everything was tightened. Tested. Op test ok"
Near Broadview Heights, OH 44147
Brian M
Job Details: 09/12/2019
DISHWASHER JENN-AIR JDTSS244GP0 Cc that door is scrapping when closing and water sprayer isn’t right Found spray arm to be installed correctly and to specs Found right side of door scrapping dopier to misalignment Adjusted feet door no longer hits OP TEST OK
Near North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Corina H
Job Details: 09/12/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT970SAHZ0 "CC that the unit is leaking. Found the water coming up over the lip of the door. Checked the lower seal. Will need a seal. Office to order part ; ordrng 1 W10909089 (lower seal,bottom)"
Near Avon Lake, OH 44012
Corina H
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB880BW0 CC that there was a banging noise in a spin cycle. Ran diag no codes. Ran a rinse and spin with towels. Advised cust to run larger loads then smaller loads. Optest ok.
Near Cleveland, OH 44107
Gabriel P
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JS48PPDUDE01 "Right side sealing good of freezer and botton can’t tell if is sealing from the top,but it looks like the frost by the door starts from the top im going to steam gasket and put vaseline on corners also customer complaints that the left door sticks out li
Near Parma, OH 44134
Corina H
Job Details: 09/12/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE505W0HS0 "Cust showed pop, sent. CC that the unit does not heat up to temp. Unit is in a garage not plugged in to an outlet. Checked the bake,broil and fuse, good. Checked the oven sensor 1100 ohms. Plugged unit in waited 30 minutes. Baked rolls for 12 minutes cam
Near Concord Township, OH 44077
Arthur V
Job Details: 09/12/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFI2568AEB Found compressor running no cool. Found refrigerant line thru drain pan corroded and split. Needs compressor and refrigerant line repair Customer does not want repaired
Jason N
Job Details: 09/12/2019
WALL OVEN ELE WHIRLPOOL WODA7EC0HZ01 "Ran diagnostics, found code f6e4 for UI and acu status mismatch. Tech sheet says replace acu and/or UI console for this error. Installed UI console, advised customer that if issues persist after this repair, we will have to order an acu board (W11261165