LG is known for its high-quality, reliable appliances. However, even the most reliable brands can experience issues sometimes. If you want to know why your LG washer isn’t spinning properly, you’re in the right place. There are several easy, simple solutions that are doable for even a novice DIYer. In this article, we walk you through the main causes and solutions for this issue. Let’s get started.
This guide applies to all popular models of LG washers, including:
1. Unbalanced Load
Sometimes the simplest solution is the answer—particularly when it comes to appliance repair. An overloaded washer drum or unbalanced load is a frequent cause of a washer that won’t spin. But luckily it’s an easy problem to remedy.
If you notice your LG washer has spin issues when you’re washing heavy loads, like towels or blankets, a balance issue is likely to blame. Here’s how to avoid this problem:
- Make sure you evenly distribute items around the drum before beginning the wash cycle.
- Ensure you wash heavy items with other heavy items to ensure the weight is distributed evenly.
- Consider air drying particularly heavy items, such as woolen blankets.
- If your washer keeps stopping while trying to spin heavy items, try redistributing the load inside the drum and then restarting the cycle.
2. Faulty Lid Switch
The lid switch senses whether or not the washer lid is open. If the switch is jammed, blocked, or malfunctioning in some way, it may be sensing that the washer lid is open even when it’s closed. This will prevent the washer from entering the spin cycle as this is not safe to run with the lid open. If this is your issue, you may notice your washer can fill and drain as normal, but that it has issues with both spinning and agitating. Here’s what to do:
- Open and close the washer lid. You should hear a slight ‘click’ when the lid switch engages.
- If you can’t hear the click, inspect the lid switch. If it appears jammed or clogged, clear out the blockage. Sometimes the mechanism can get clogged with detergent residue, impacting its function.
- If the lid switch appears to be clean but you can’t hear the telltale ‘click’ that shows it’s functioning, use a multimeter to test it for continuity.
- If the multimeter shows the lid switch isn’t functioning, it will need replacing. Source a replacement part online, then replace it according to the instructions in your LG manual.
3. Drainage Issues
Most makes and models of washers won’t begin the spin cycle if there’s still a lot of water in the drum. Although the spin mechanism might be completely functional, if the drum is full, the spin cycle won’t engage in order to prevent excessive splashing and possible leaks and spills. If you notice your washer stops prior to the spin cycle and still has a significant amount of water in the drum, this is likely to be your issue. To fix:
- If your washer has a separate emergency drain hose, try draining the excess water into a bucket.
- Check the filter/coin trap for blockages that may be preventing draining.
- Disconnect the drain hose from the back of the washer and check it for clogs. Make sure you have towels on hand to catch any spills and leaks.
- Once the drain hose is cleared, reconnect it to the washer and replace it in the drain pipe.
- Restart the wash cycle to see if it now drains and spins.
4. Broken Drive Belt
The drive belt is a thick, elastic belt that connects the motor to the washer drum. If the belt is broken, frayed, or stretched, the drum won’t spin or may not spin properly. If this is your issue, you might notice a clunking sound as the washer tries to spin. The washer may also stop spinning suddenly in the middle of a spin cycle, indicating that the drive belt has snapped. Here’s what to do:
- Unplug your washer and gain access to the drive belt. You may need to remove the back panel of your washer. Consult your LG manual to find the best way to access the belt in your particular washer.
- Inspect the belt for any signs of damage, including looseness.
- If the belt is damaged or worn, purchase a replacement part that’s compatible with your LG washer model.
- Remove the broken or damaged belt and discard it.
- Put the new belt in place, ensuring you have correctly threaded it through the motor and around the drum. Refer to your LG manual for guidance.
- Restore power and run a test to make sure the spin cycle is functioning properly.
5. Malfunctioning Motor Coupling
The motor coupling joins the motor to the transmission. If the coupling is broken or disconnected, the washer won’t be able to spin or agitate. If this is your issue, you’ll notice that the machine fills and drains as normal but nothing happens during the wash and spin parts of the cycle. Here’s what to do:
- Unplug your washer and access the motor and coupling. Check your LG manual for instructions on how to access them in your particular model. You’ll likely need to remove the back access panel.
- Inspect the motor coupling. If it appears broken or stripped, then it won’t be functioning and will need to be replaced.
- Purchase a replacement coupling, ensuring it’s compatible with your model of LG washer.
- Remove the old coupling, taking note of how it fits with the other components.
- Install the new coupling following the product instructions or examples in your LG manual. Replace the back panel and restore power to your washer.
- Run a test to ensure that your washer now agitates and spins normally.