Appliance Repair Brownhelm Township Ohio
Near Brownhelm Township, OH 44001
Gabriel P
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF707ESS01 "Found evaporator frozen again calling whirpool tech spoke to jowell explain him that I have done everything the service pointer ask me to do and still freezing up he said they no longer want to repair it, unit not reparable ; O-emld tckt"
Near Brownhelm Township, OH 44001
Gabriel P
Job Details:
RANGE KITCHENAID KOSE500ESS01 "Replace panel ,opt test ok"
Near Brownhelm Township, OH 44001
Gabriel P
Job Details:
RANGE KITCHENAID KOSE500ESS01 Found console not making a beep sound when using timer will need a console try resetting power did not work ordering ; ordrng 1 W10588714 (panl-cntrl)
Near Brownhelm Township, OH 44001
Gabriel P
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF707ESS01 "Found fresh food section evap frozen found a service pointer on issue replaced fan from truck stock and steam all ice completely,opt test ok ; used 1 SENIORDISCOUNT (senior discount), and 1 W11033168 (FRESH FOOD EVAP HARNESS) from stock"
Near Brownhelm Township, OH 44001
Gabriel P
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 Customer having same issue as before drain pan on fresh food section is clogg call tech spoke to Leon, he said cause this is the 4 time this issue been repair is not repairable gave customer file # to call whirlpool