Appliance Repair Claridon Township Ohio
Near Claridon Township, OH 44024
Jeff M
Job Details:
RANGE KITCHENAID KSEG700ESS3 I set the unit to broil at 500° which is its hottest setting. Unit tested good in the owners manual it states that the lower the temperature the more often the broiler will cycle on and off. the way that it reads its almost like low medium high based not
Near Claridon Township, OH 44024
Jason N
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR GE GDSC3KCYAWW "Recovered refrigerant. Installed new compressor w/start relay and drier. Pulled vacuum on system to 29in/hg for 15 min. Held vacuum, no change to gauges. Recharged system with 5.5oz of r134a. Good heat on condenser, low side stable at 1 psi, unit startin
Near Claridon Township, OH 44024
Jason N
Job Details:
REFRIGERATOR GE GDSC3KCYAWW "Cc unit not coolingCustomer stated its been intermittently cooling then warming for awhile. Now its not cooling at all. Found compressor not running, start relay clicking. Changed start relay using misc truck stock. Compressor still will not start, ohm
Near Claridon Township, OH 44024
Brian M
Job Details:
RANGE KITCHENAID KSEG700ESS3 Cc upper section is working but oven is not Found bake element line 2 wire had broken away from terminal block Used new eyelet connector on wire Ran test bake OP Test Ok
Near Claridon Township, OH 44024
Brian M
Job Details:
RANGE KITCHENAID KSEG700ESS3 Cc door not right Found left hinge not properly seated OP Test Ok