Appliance Repair Huntsburg Township Ohio
Near Huntsburg Township, OH 44046
Arthur V
Job Details:
RANGE MAYTAG MGR6600FZ1 Applied bubble solution to fittings Started oven to 350. No indication of any leaks. Opened all burners no leaks. No gas smell no bubbles indicating a leak. Spark ignition can sometimes cause a brief gas smell upon ignition and is normal. Called safet
Near Huntsburg Township, OH 44099
Jeff M
Job Details:
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED9400SW2 Installed new part unit op tested good
Near Huntsburg Township, OH 44099
Arthur V
Job Details:
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED9400SW2 "Found unit needs a idler pulley and belt Reschedule at customer request. ; ordrng 1 279640 (pulley,idler) and 1 661570V (belt), used 1 SHIPPING (SHIPPING AND HANDLING) from stock"
Near Huntsburg Township, OH 44099
Arthur V
Job Details:
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED5000DW2 Replaced terminal block. Customer to replaced power cord (damaged).
We serviced a
Model UMV1160CB
Near Huntsburg Township, OH 44046
Robert A.
Job Details:
Installed control, op test ok; Job Cmpltd,