Appliance Repair Suffield Township Ohio
Near Suffield Township, OH 44260
Brian M
Job Details:
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE204DSS0 "Cc rails broken Found rack track separating Per S22916 parts and labor are covered Replaced using back truck stock ; used 1 W11259786, and 1 W11259785 from stock"
Near Suffield Township, OH 44260
Brian M
Job Details:
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE704DBL0 Cc unit not draining Found piece of glass in pump Removed ran test cycleOP Test Ok
Near Suffield Township, OH 44260
Brian M
Job Details:
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED4950HW0 Cc of smell when running dryer Checked venting checked wiring checked lint trap Ran unit with and without items Could not duplicate an non normal smell at this time
Near Suffield Township, OH 44260
Brian M
Job Details:
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD5620HW0 Cc of unit left apart from previous repair company. And original complaint was of a rattle noise Found a few machine screw loose by motor plate Tightened and put unit back together Ran test cycle and verified with customer that noise was gone Previous com
Near Suffield Township, OH 44260
Brian M
Job Details:
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE204DSS0 Installed control and sensor Ran test cycle OP TEST OK