A Washer Repair Expert Says Clothes Are Not The Only Item You Can Clean In Your Appliance

July 23, 2015
Did you know that you can toss your yoga mat right in the washer? You can, which can be nice after a lot of sweating and especially if used outdoors.

Did you know that you can toss your yoga mat right in the washer? You can, which can be nice after a lot of sweating and especially if used outdoors.

Did you know your washer can clean more than just your dirty clothes? There are actually several items in your home that can benefit from a sudsy spin through your washing machine. To help make your life a little easier, we’ve listed 4 of those household objects below.

Pet Collars or Leashes

If you don’t want to put a dirty collar on your freshly bathed dog, simply throw the collar into your washing machine. While you’re at it, you might as well add your dog’s leash into the mix. Unfortunately, only non-leather collars and leashes can withstand a trip through your machine’s wash cycle. You may also want to hold off on collars or leashes with a lot of studs or other embellishments. It’s best to use a detergent designed for sensitive skin; otherwise, you run the risk of irritating your dog’s skin.

Plastic Shower Liner

Your shower liner can get pretty gross, especially if you have hard water. Luckily, tossing it into your washing machine on a regular basis can help the liner stay fresh for a longer period of time. When washing your plastic liner, don’t forget to include a load of bath towels and be sure to use the machines delicate setting.

Yoga Mat

Don’t let a dirty mat distract you during your next yoga session. Instead, give it a good cleansing in your washing machine. For the best results, mix the mat in with a load of sheets, and set the machine to a gentle, cold-water cycle. Before your washer begins its spin cycle, remove the yoga mat and allow it to air-dry.


Whether you suffer from allergies or not, washing your pillows on a regular basis is a must. Thankfully, your washing machine can easily handle the job. Simply toss two pillows into your appliance, and set the wash to a warm, gentle cycle. Once the cycle has ended, move the pillows to your dryer and run them through the machine on a low-heat setting. Add a couple dryer balls to ensure the pillows don’t end-up clumping.

Although your washing machine is equipped to wash all sorts of household items, it’s cleaning ability can suffer greatly if the appliance is not maintained properly. If you’ve noticed your washing machine isn’t cleaning as well as it use to, you may need the expertise of a washer appliance repair company. To schedule an appointment, please contact us today and we’ll be happy to help.

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